Author name: Mike Shreve

Spirit-Filled Evangelist: Our Calling to Be ‘The Children of Zion’

“Let Israel rejoice in its Maker; let the children of Zion be joyful in their King” (Ps. 149:2, MEV). In the beginning, Zion was a ridge in southeast Jerusalem where David’s tabernacle was erected for the ark of the covenant after its return from Philistine captivity (see 1 Chronicles 15-16). On top of Mount Zion, …

Spirit-Filled Evangelist: Our Calling to Be ‘The Children of Zion’ Read More »

A New Creation: Miraculous Supernatural Renewal Every Moment of Every Day!

Discover Your Spiritual Identity! The Revelation of the Names and Titles God Has Given His People “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17, NKJV). Salvation in this New Covenant era is not based on mere rehabilitation; it …

A New Creation: Miraculous Supernatural Renewal Every Moment of Every Day! Read More »

The Blessed of the Father: Blessing Others is the Key to Being Blessed, Now and Forevermore

Discover Your Spiritual Identity! The Revelation of the Names and Titles God Has Given His People “Then the King will say to those at His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world” (Matt. 25:34, MEV). The word “blessed” means supremely happy, enriched …

The Blessed of the Father: Blessing Others is the Key to Being Blessed, Now and Forevermore Read More »

True Worshippers: Satisfying God’s Thirst While He Satisfies Ours

Discover Your Spiritual Identity! The Revelation of the Names and Titles God Has Given His People “Yet the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. For the Father seeks such to worship Him” (John 4:23, MEV). This world is a place of seeking—a …

True Worshippers: Satisfying God’s Thirst While He Satisfies Ours Read More »

You Are “God’s Beloved”: Just as Loved of the Father as Jesus, the Firstborn Son

Discover Your Spiritual Identity! The Revelation of the Names and Titles God Has Given His People “As He says also in Hosea, ‘I will call them My people, who were not My people; and her BELOVED, who was not beloved’” (Rom. 9:25, NKJV) Hosea, the prophet, spoke prophetically over Israel by means of a strange, …

You Are “God’s Beloved”: Just as Loved of the Father as Jesus, the Firstborn Son Read More »

A Royal Priesthood: How Can You Be a Spiritual King and Priest Simultaneously?

Discover Your Spiritual Identity! The Revelation of the Names and Titles God Has Given His People “But you are a chosen generation, A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a holy nation, His own special people” (1 Pet. 2:9, NKJV). Jesus was both king and priest. As the “King of kings,” He manifested divine dominion in this world: reigning …

A Royal Priesthood: How Can You Be a Spiritual King and Priest Simultaneously? Read More »

The Bride, The Lamb’s Wife: Who Will Be Married to the Heavenly Bridegroom Forever?

Discover Your Spiritual Identity! The Revelation of the Names and Titles God Has Given His People “Then one of the seven angels…talked with me saying, ‘Come, I will show you THE BRIDE, THE LAMB’S WIFE’” (Rev. 21:9, NKJV). After the angel invited John to behold the Lord’s “bride,” a stunning vision unfolded before him. “And …

The Bride, The Lamb’s Wife: Who Will Be Married to the Heavenly Bridegroom Forever? Read More »

Oracles of God: Speaking Prophetically as Representatives of the Almighty

Discover Your Spiritual Identity! The Revelation of the Names and Titles God Has Given His People “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the ORACLES OF GOD” (1 Pet. 4:11, MEV, emphasis added). The word “oracle” means a divinely inspired utterance; it can also mean the person used as God’s mouthpiece. The prophetic statement is …

Oracles of God: Speaking Prophetically as Representatives of the Almighty Read More »

The General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn: Every Child of God Is Equally Important and Equally Beloved

Discover Your Spiritual Identity! The Revelation of the Names and Titles God Has Given His People “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels; to THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, who are enrolled in heaven; …

The General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn: Every Child of God Is Equally Important and Equally Beloved Read More »

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