Author name: Mike Evans

Why Abrahamic Accord May Bring US a Third Great Awakening

I’m on my way to the White House for the signing of the Abrahamic Accord between the UAE and Israel. This normalization of relations between Israel and its Middle East neighbor through the American diplomacy of President Donald Trump and his team serves as a truly historic development. Yet there may be more good news …

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White House Adviser: Donald Trump Has Made Israel Great

As founding member of President Trump’s Evangelical Initiative, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with him, Jared Kushner, David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt and Avi Berkowitz. I can say unequivocally that Donald Trump and his team have helped to make Israel great. When the president visited Jerusalem on May 22, 2017, I had many diplomats …

White House Adviser: Donald Trump Has Made Israel Great Read More »

Why Benjamin Netanyahu Is About to Make History

Prime Minister Netanyahu has made history this week by reaching a milestone of 4,876 days in office, surpassing the longest holding of office by Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion. With what he has accomplished for the state of Israel through his economic, innovative, security policies and cooperation (T.T.P.),has transformed Israel’s global brand from one …

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Do the Palestinians Deserve a State?

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just had his first meeting with President Barack Obama. The two Obama issues, however, are non-issues for the Netanyahu government: talking to Iran and a fast track toward a Palestinian state.

The Obama government is trying to make things move in the Middle East and there are fears this will come at Israel’s expense – even if it means bringing down Netanyahu’s government.

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