Author name: Michael Snyder

Pandemic Rising? Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak Spreads in China

Unless otherwise specified, the opinions expressed are solely the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of Charisma Media. By now, you have probably heard that the Chinese government has put the entire city of Xi’an under a very strict lockdown. Residents have literally been forbidden to leave their own homes without permission, and …

Pandemic Rising? Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak Spreads in China Read More »

Is The Drama Unfolding In New York Setting The Stage for David Wilkerson’s ‘Thousand Fires’ Prophecy to Be Fulfilled?

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has decided that purging thousands upon thousands of important municipal workers will make the city a safer place. But instead, could it actually be setting the stage for complete and utter chaos? Earlier today, when I visited Steve Quayle’s website, I noticed that he had mentioned David Wilkerson’s prophecy …

Is The Drama Unfolding In New York Setting The Stage for David Wilkerson’s ‘Thousand Fires’ Prophecy to Be Fulfilled? Read More »

End Times? Under-Skin ‘Vaccination Mark’ Now Being Developed

Researchers have found a way to leave a “mark” under the skin that will enable medical authorities to know whether someone has been vaccinated or not. This “mark” is created using a specialized dye that is not visible to the naked eye, and the dye is delivered under the skin as part of the vaccination …

End Times? Under-Skin ‘Vaccination Mark’ Now Being Developed Read More »

The Sun ‘Has Gone Into Lockdown,’ and This Strange Behavior Could Make Global Food Shortages Much Worse

At a time when the world is already being hit with major crisis after major crisis, our sun is behaving in ways we have never seen before. For as long as records have been kept, the sun has never been quieter than it has been in 2019 and 2020, and as you will see below …

The Sun ‘Has Gone Into Lockdown,’ and This Strange Behavior Could Make Global Food Shortages Much Worse Read More »

As the World Is Distracted by COVID-19, a Series of Large Earthquakes Is Rocking ‘the Ring of Fire’

Within the past several days, large earthquakes have been striking all along the outer rim of the Pacific Ocean, and many are wondering if all of this activity could potentially be building up to something really big. Those who follow my work on a regular basis know I have been deeply concerned about seismic activity …

As the World Is Distracted by COVID-19, a Series of Large Earthquakes Is Rocking ‘the Ring of Fire’ Read More »

Millions of Pigs, Chickens, Cattle Euthanized While Media Warns ‘Shortages’ Are Coming

More than 26 million Americans have lost their jobs during these coronavirus lockdowns so far, and this has created unprecedented demand at food banks all over the nation. In many cities, vehicles start lining up at the food banks at the crack of dawn, and in some instances the lines have literally stretched for miles. …

Millions of Pigs, Chickens, Cattle Euthanized While Media Warns ‘Shortages’ Are Coming Read More »

Why Are So Many People Who Have ‘Recovered’ From COVID-19 Testing Positive Again?

The mysteries surrounding this COVID-19 pandemic just keep getting deeper and deeper. When you catch a virus, you are not supposed to test positive, fully recover and test negative, and then some time later start testing positive again. But this is actually happening in an alarming number of cases, and scientists are absolutely baffled by …

Why Are So Many People Who Have ‘Recovered’ From COVID-19 Testing Positive Again? Read More »

10 Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Simultaneously

All of a sudden, really crazy things are starting to happen all over the world. Giant swarms of locusts are absolutely devastating entire regions, extremely unusual storms are confounding meteorologists, earthquake and volcanic activity are both on the rise, and five very dangerous diseases are sweeping across the globe. So far in 2020, it has …

10 Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Simultaneously Read More »

Over and Over Again, Mainstream Media Hasn’t Been Telling Us Truth About This Coronavirus Outbreak

Ever since this coronavirus outbreak first began, the mainstream media has been feeding us fake news over and over again. Initially, we were repeatedly told that there was very little to be concerned about because it was very unlikely that human to human transmission was happening. But now we know that this virus spreads very, …

Over and Over Again, Mainstream Media Hasn’t Been Telling Us Truth About This Coronavirus Outbreak Read More »

New Mystery Virus in China Is ‘Adapting And Mutating’ and No Known Drug Works Against It

Global health officials are racing to contain the outbreak of a mysterious new coronavirus before it starts spreading wildly out of control all over the planet. Unfortunately, they may already be too late. The virus has now spread to at least seven other countries outside of China, and a whole lot of people are starting …

New Mystery Virus in China Is ‘Adapting And Mutating’ and No Known Drug Works Against It Read More »

Kanye West Is Preaching the Gospel, but Pope Francis Is Telling People Not to Evangelize

Pope Francis has certainly said a lot of controversial things over the years, but what he just told a group of Christian high school students is the most controversial of all. I know that may be hard to believe, because some of the statements that Pope Francis has made in recent years have definitely been …

Kanye West Is Preaching the Gospel, but Pope Francis Is Telling People Not to Evangelize Read More »

Signs of Great Shaking? Strange Things Happening in West-Coast Waters, and Fish Are Starting to Disappear

Something is causing the waters just off the West coast to heat up dramatically, fish are dying off in staggering numbers, birds that feed on those fish are also dying off rapidly and scientists have discovered 15,000 holes in the ocean floor off the coast of California. Oh, and scientists don’t know for certain why …

Signs of Great Shaking? Strange Things Happening in West-Coast Waters, and Fish Are Starting to Disappear Read More »

A ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Just Hit California—Is This The Key Prophetic Sign That John Paul Jackson Warned Us About?

In 2011, John Paul Jackson warned that a “major storm is going to come to California” before the great earthquake that radically changes the geography of the state happens. He said that it would be “a hurricane of incredible force, or it is a storm of incredible force,” and that the storm would represent “a …

A ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Just Hit California—Is This The Key Prophetic Sign That John Paul Jackson Warned Us About? Read More »

Historic Midwest Blizzard Has Farmers ‘Expecting Massive Crop Losses—As Devastating as We’ve Ever Seen’

An unprecedented October blizzard that hit just before harvest time has absolutely devastated farms all across the U.S. heartland. As you will see below, one state lawmaker in North Dakota is saying that the crop losses will be “as devastating as we’ve ever seen.” This is the exact scenario that I have been warning about …

Historic Midwest Blizzard Has Farmers ‘Expecting Massive Crop Losses—As Devastating as We’ve Ever Seen’ Read More »

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