Author name: Michael Brown

The Biden Administration, the Worst-Case Scenario and How We Should Respond

Joe Biden has been president of the United States for less than three months, but already, the fears of many conservatives are being realized. On many different fronts, things are going in a very wrong and dangerous direction. The question is: What can we do about it? How do we respond? In no particular order, …

The Biden Administration, the Worst-Case Scenario and How We Should Respond Read More »

No, Sophia Bush, Kids Do Not Tell Their Parents Who They Are

Editor’s note: If you are in crisis, please call 1-800-273-8255 or visit You are not alone. I truly believe that actress and activist Sophia Bush is genuinely concerned about children. I truly believe that, in her heart, she is convinced that the best thing to do for a child who identifies as transgender is …

No, Sophia Bush, Kids Do Not Tell Their Parents Who They Are Read More »

Michael Brown: Don’t Trust the Safety of Your Own Echo Chamber

It’s nice to have our own convictions affirmed. It’s encouraging to have our personal positions reinforced. But it’s dangerous to live in the safety of our own echo chamber. What if, after all, we’re wrong? Are we too insecure to have our views challenged? There’s no denying that there is tremendous bias in the media …

Michael Brown: Don’t Trust the Safety of Your Own Echo Chamber Read More »

The Devil’s Latest Tactic to Keep Us From the Bible

In a recent article, I mentioned that in 1647, the colony of Massachusetts passed the Old Deluder Act, with “the Old Deluder” referring to the devil himself. In the past, this act declared, Satan kept people from reading the Scriptures by confining the Bible to a tongue unknown by the common people (namely, Latin). Now, …

The Devil’s Latest Tactic to Keep Us From the Bible Read More »

Michael Brown: Prophecies Are Not Simply Newspaper Headlines in Advance

Now that the New York Times, Politico and other, major secular outlets have covered the failed presidential prophecies, why don’t we make this a teachable moment and ask a basic question about prophecy? Specifically, when prophecy is predictive (and therefore foretelling rather than forthtelling), is it equivalent to headline news in advance? The reason I …

Michael Brown: Prophecies Are Not Simply Newspaper Headlines in Advance Read More »

The Absurdity: Why So-Called ‘Pro-Life Evangelicals’ for Biden Now Feel Betrayed

To be totally candid, it was hard for me to believe the headline was real. “Pro-life Evangelicals for Biden: ‘We feel used and betrayed.’” Seriously? They “feel used and betrayed” because the pro-abortion president they helped put in office did exactly what he said he would do? They “feel used and betrayed” because he carried …

The Absurdity: Why So-Called ‘Pro-Life Evangelicals’ for Biden Now Feel Betrayed Read More »

Spoiler Alert: There Will Be No Change of Power on March 4

In case you haven’t heard, some QAnon conspiracy theorists believe former President Donald Trump will be inaugurated on March 4. In fact, there is so much internet buzz about this that National Guard troops in Washington, D.C., have been put on standby as a precaution. After what happened on Jan. 6, the obvious strategy is …

Spoiler Alert: There Will Be No Change of Power on March 4 Read More »

How Should We Respond to the Ravi Zacharias Scandal?

In the aftermath of the shocking and tragic news about Ravi Zacharias’s private life, one of our ministry school grads, herself a longtime missionary with her husband, wrote to me, asking, “Would you consider writing something in regards to the Ravi scandal? I know this is sending believers into a whirlwind of confusion.” She continued, …

How Should We Respond to the Ravi Zacharias Scandal? Read More »

From a Christian Conservative to a Transgender Man: Love Calls Me to Action

As the social media giants continue to crack down on those who violate their trans-activist talking points (see here and here), another perspective has been raised from an unexpected source. I’m talking about a powerful, deeply moving article posted in Newsweek and titled, “We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would …

From a Christian Conservative to a Transgender Man: Love Calls Me to Action Read More »

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