Author name: Michael Youssef

Michael Youssef: The Damage Biblical Illiteracy Can Do to the Church

Prominent pastor and author Michael Youssef is warning about scriptural ignorance and the eventual rise of the Antichrist—and his comments are certainly stirring. “Biblical illiteracy is rampant,” Youssef told “The Christian Post” in a recent interview. “And people are going to fall for deception, for false teachings, for anything, because they’re not grounded in the …

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Michael Youssef: Why Only Jesus Offers True Security in a Collapsing World

Read Time: 2 Minutes 28 Seconds What should Christians be doing to get ready for the calamitous events preceding the end of the world? Given the current state of affairs across the globe, it’s hard for many to avoid the conclusion that the Lord may be returning soon. With so much chaos in the world, …

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Michael Youssef’s Message of Hope in These Perilous End Times

Read Time: 2 Minutes 36 Seconds Every day, the modern world experiences growing lawlessness and chaos. Humanity has seen a pandemic ravage nations and fear shutters the world economy. Wars and rumors of wars are growing and nations are pouring enormous amounts of money into their nuclear weapons arsenals. Christians and non-Christians alike are starting …

Michael Youssef’s Message of Hope in These Perilous End Times Read More »

Michael Youssef: Make Sure Your Lamp Is Lit for Jesus’ Return

Read Time: 4 Minutes 2 Seconds If you do an Internet search asking such questions as, “What does the Bible teach about hell?” some of the first few results will be from false teachers. Here are the titles of webpages that popped up at the top of my search: “Hell Is Not a Biblical Concept.” …

Michael Youssef: Make Sure Your Lamp Is Lit for Jesus’ Return Read More »

Michael Youssef: How You Can Prepare for Christ’s Return

If you do an internet search asking questions such as “What does the Bible teach about hell?” some of the first few results will be from false teachers. Here are the titles of webpages that popped up at the top of my search: “Hell Is Not a Biblical Concept.” “Jesus Christ Did Not Teach or …

Michael Youssef: How You Can Prepare for Christ’s Return Read More »

Will Many of the Elect Really Be Deceived by the Antichrist?

The most sobering and troubling statement in the Olivet Discourse is where Jesus says, “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matt. 24:24). This statement cries out for an explanation. What does Jesus mean when He says, “to deceive, if possible, even the …

Will Many of the Elect Really Be Deceived by the Antichrist? Read More »

Is America Preparing the Way for a One-World Ruler?

The culmination of history is approaching. The end of the world may be at hand. Yet Jesus tells us we should not be alarmed. Why? Because we are engraved in the palms of His hands. Because we are carried in His arms. Because we are the apple of His eye. The time is coming when …

Is America Preparing the Way for a One-World Ruler? Read More »

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