Author name: Melodye Hilton

Why Assumption Can Be a Spiritual Growth and Connection Killer

Assumption is the lowest form of knowledge. This is because when we assume, we view situations, make decisions and lead others from a basis of what may not be entirely true. My assumptions become my bias and are the foundation of my decisions, knowledge, thoughts and feelings. By my own determination, this positions me to …

Why Assumption Can Be a Spiritual Growth and Connection Killer Read More »

Everyday Justice: The Courageous Lifestyle of Using Your Power for Good

Devaluing and dehumanizing words and actions have built a cultural edifice one brick at a time. It is now in our power to dismantle that structure of injustice one validating blow at a time. The journey of everyday justice begins internally before it is lived externally. If words create thoughts, which are manifested in actions, …

Everyday Justice: The Courageous Lifestyle of Using Your Power for Good Read More »

Rise to Freedom by Breaking the Power of Secondhand Offense

Editor’s Note: This is Part 2 of a two-part article. For Part 1, click here. When offense comes, we have the opportunity to rise out of that dark place and work through the myriad of emotions to regain our confidence, courage and commitment to be our best selves. By rendering offense powerless, we declare an …

Rise to Freedom by Breaking the Power of Secondhand Offense Read More »

Your Spirit-Powered Prescription for the Dangerous Disease of Secondhand Offense

Editor’s Note: This is Part 1 of a two-part article. Find Part 2 at this link. Secondhand offense is like a cultural virus. It permeates our world and infects anyone who allows it to have access to his or her heart and mind. It spreads to everyone unless their emotional immune system is resistant through …

Your Spirit-Powered Prescription for the Dangerous Disease of Secondhand Offense Read More »

Has God Made You a Passionate Pioneer?

I love the factual accounts of courageous American pioneers as they settled and developed western territories. I learn from the brave instruments of social justice throughout history as well as the behind the scenes stories of present-day leaders who care for society’s good. No matter what time in history, pioneers face fear’s tyranny; they also …

Has God Made You a Passionate Pioneer? Read More »

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