Author name: Mario Murillo

Mario Murillo: An Era of Mass Soul Winning Has Begun

Read Time: 4 Minutes, 27 Seconds From the very first tent stake we drove into California soil, until now, there has only been one dream. And, after two years, that dream came true in Roseville. Roseville is the victory we have yearned for. It confirms that an era of mass soul winning has begun! I …

Mario Murillo: An Era of Mass Soul Winning Has Begun Read More »

Mario Murillo: How Do We Bring God Into This National Crisis?

Read Time: 3 Minutes 24 Seconds Some of us are enraged and others are exhausted. Is there proof out there that a handful of villains control our choices and overrule our rights? The answer is yes. But that proof is a viciously—even supernaturally—guarded secret. Many are roaring that we are not a free people, and …

Mario Murillo: How Do We Bring God Into This National Crisis? Read More »

We Gained Ground, But the Lukewarm Church is a Greater Issue Than Most Realize

Read Time: 2 Minutes 46 Seconds Many are stunned and confused by the results of last night’s election. But, take heart child of God. We won some important victories and we learned some valuable lessons. You will notice that I never predicted a red wave. I sought God after realizing how profound the corruption is …

We Gained Ground, But the Lukewarm Church is a Greater Issue Than Most Realize Read More »

Mario Murillo: ‘I Have Never Seen Anything Like This’

Read Time: 2 Minutes 31 Seconds We are facing the greatest challenge we have faced in our history. And I want you to do something. And no, I am not asking you to pledge money. The thing is, Americans want to be born again on a level I have never seen before. We are witnessing …

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Mario Murillo: ‘I Feel a Calm Sense of Hope Amid Their Tyranny’

Read Time: 3 Minutes 51 Seconds It is easy to lose hope when you see these villains escape prosecution, meanwhile noble men and women are unjustly ruined. It is easy to forget that when this happens it is because God Himself wants to deal with their wickedness. Fauci is guilty of perhaps the greatest scandal …

Mario Murillo: ‘I Feel a Calm Sense of Hope Amid Their Tyranny’ Read More »

The Enemy Nor Hurricane Ian Can’t Stop God’s ‘Fire and Glory’

Read Time: 2 Minutes 44 Seconds Are we canceling two nights of Fire and Glory in the Hertz Arena? Everyone knows that Fort Myers took a direct hit from Hurricane Ian. The Hertz Arena in Estero, Florida is right there, in its path. Does that mean we are canceling the two nights of Fire and …

The Enemy Nor Hurricane Ian Can’t Stop God’s ‘Fire and Glory’ Read More »

Mario Murillo Sends Special Urgent Message to Kingdom Leaders

Attention. Several hundred leaders are registered for our special brunch on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. Seats are filling up and we must give our host a final number of meals to prepare. Please do not wait. Make your reservation now for this free brunch. I have a very special message of encouragement and …

Mario Murillo Sends Special Urgent Message to Kingdom Leaders Read More »

Why God is Laughing at Their World Domination Plans

They will make the greatest bid for world domination in history. It is no longer just armies that threaten freedom—it is corporations and corrupt politicians. I believe that evil in all of its vile colors is even now rising to try to crush our freedom and our churches. They wield astonishing power. They have mountains …

Why God is Laughing at Their World Domination Plans Read More »

Mario Murillo: What God is Saying About America’s Destruction

Many prophetic words released today shout one of these two headlines: America Is Past Hope and Will Be Destroyed America Is Favored and Will Never Be Destroyed Facebook oozes with voices claiming to be prophets or mouthpieces for God. The internet teems with self-appointed prophets who scream to be heard, bombarding us with “prophetic words.” …

Mario Murillo: What God is Saying About America’s Destruction Read More »

Mario Murillo: The Fuse to a National Awakening

A lot of churchgoers yearn for soothing sermons. Meanwhile, a growing company seeks to understand authority, brokenness and Resurrection life. Who are these “others” who have their eyes wide open? They are too loud for most. They pray longer and deeper than what is “acceptable” in respectable circles. They do their duty and suffer through …

Mario Murillo: The Fuse to a National Awakening Read More »

5 Reasons You Can’t Afford to Wait Any Longer to Jump into the River

All around you is the rumble of revival and reformation. An earthquake of American freedom. It beckons you! But you are waiting. Every atom of your being screams for you to jump into the river that is healing America. All the cells of your body are vibrating with anticipation. But you hesitate. You are hoping …

5 Reasons You Can’t Afford to Wait Any Longer to Jump into the River Read More »

Mario Murillo: Satan’s Deceptive Tool to Make You Unavailable to God

The goal of distraction is to make you unavailable for the move of God. The devil is doing something very special today. He is distracting God’s people so that they will not be available when He moves to save America. You need to trust the troubling in your spirit. You came out of a Christian …

Mario Murillo: Satan’s Deceptive Tool to Make You Unavailable to God Read More »

Mario Murillo: Why God Judged Ananias and Sapphira So Harshly

God killed them in church. “But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession. And he kept back part of the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it, and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles’ feet. But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart …

Mario Murillo: Why God Judged Ananias and Sapphira So Harshly Read More »

Mario Murillo: What Believers Must Do to See the Coming Giant Harvest of Souls

I have a very special message of encouragement and direction for you. I want to share this message with you over a delicious, free brunch. The brunch will be served Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. at Destiny Church in Rocklin, Calif. Encouragement: A giant harvest of souls is coming! First I will share with …

Mario Murillo: What Believers Must Do to See the Coming Giant Harvest of Souls Read More »

Mario Murillo: ‘God’s Fire and Glory Will Change Us All Forever’

It will only take you a few minutes to read this blog. But you cannot take the news I am about to give you lightly. This is momentous. It is not a spontaneous decision, but a deliberate and prayerfully conceived plan. Lance Wallnau and I are about to take a gigantic forward step in our …

Mario Murillo: ‘God’s Fire and Glory Will Change Us All Forever’ Read More »

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