Author name: Larry Huch

The Comforting Promise of Isaiah 61

Read Time: 4 Minutes 23 Seconds When Jesus was on the earth, He entered a synagogue and walked up front to read from the scrolls. He turned to Isaiah 61 and read a portion of this chapter out loud. Then He announced, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” It’s true. Jesus was …

The Comforting Promise of Isaiah 61 Read More »

As Believers, We Must Always Be Covered in His Word

Read Time: 3 Minutes 35 Seconds Most of our battles begin in our minds. That is why it is so important to protect our minds with the helmet of salvation. God wants you to learn how to take every thought captive and bring it to the obedience of Christ. “For the weapons of our warfare …

As Believers, We Must Always Be Covered in His Word Read More »

The Event That Will Capture the World’s Attention

Many exciting events will take place during the end times. As we are already experiencing, there will be birth pangs that include: catastrophic weather, pandemics, earthquakes, economic upheavals and shifts in governments and world leaders. The Word of God declares that will only be the beginning of sorrows. Many believe that the church, those who …

The Event That Will Capture the World’s Attention Read More »

The Bride of Christ and Ancient Traditions: What’s True?

The term “the bride of Christ” has been at the center of many controversies throughout the centuries. Where did it come from? What does it mean? Who is the bride? Have we misunderstood who’s who? The answers to these questions come not from a Western theological perspective but from a Hebrew understanding of the process …

The Bride of Christ and Ancient Traditions: What’s True? Read More »

Preparations For a Great Celebration: A Hebrew Perspective

The prophet Jeremiah declares in Chapter 29, verses 10-12 (NKJV) these words: “For thus says the LORD: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the …

Preparations For a Great Celebration: A Hebrew Perspective Read More »

A Prophet’s Words and the Birth of a Nation

Israel has always been a key piece in the prophetic puzzle. Scholars have debated over which generation would be alive to see all of the prophecies fulfilled. Ancient prophets foretold the birth of Israel, “in one day.” It looked to everyone as an impossibility, but on May 14, 1948, through a vote by the United …

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The Antichrist and Mark of the Beast: How Close Are We?

Generations of scholars, both secular and religious, politicians and Christian believers, have had their choice for the Antichrist. Included in that list throughout history have been Nero, Napoleon, Hitler, the Pope, Henry Kissinger, Gorbachev and any number of American presidents. The Antichrist will be possessed of Satan, and halfway through his time as the ruler …

The Antichrist and Mark of the Beast: How Close Are We? Read More »

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