Author name: Lana Vawser

The Lord Says, ‘Receive Your Healing’

Recently, I heard the Lord say, “We are going on a re-formation journey.” When He spoke these words, He put such an emphasis on the word “re-formation.” I knew there was a deep work of the Holy Spirit to bring change, realignment, renewal, transformation, transition, remodeling, correction, repairing, a shift and much more. There was …

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Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘My Trailblazing Daughters Are Arising’

Read Time: 4 Minutes 32 Seconds I heard the Lord say, “My trailblazing daughters are arising!” Trailblazer definitions: “a person who blazes a trail for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness,” a “pioneer” and an “innovator.” Synonyms: “ground breaker,” “trendsetter,” “spearhead” and “explorer.” An Invitation at the Crossroad Suddenly, I saw daughters of …

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Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Your Tears Are Not Wasted and Are Turning Into Harvest’

Read Time: 3 Minutes 37 Seconds The Lord brought this Scripture before me, and as I sat on it, seeking the Lord’s heart, I heard Him say, “There have been many tears sown as seeds in this season. There have been many tears that have been cried, and I have collected each one. There have …

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Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘The Gates of Victory Are Now Open!’

Read Time: 3 Minutes 55 Seconds I heard the Lord say: “The gates of victory are now open!” I sensed that the things which the enemy has held back—the things that the enemy has worked hard to keep God’s people from (their place of victory)—the Lord is now exposing those areas. Right now, there is …

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘The Gates of Victory Are Now Open!’ Read More »

Prophetic Word: An Invitation to the Secrets of God’s Heart

I have had many encounters this year where I’ve heard the Lord speaking louder than I have ever heard or felt before, saying things like, “Come deeper,” “Go slow,” “I am calling you to marinate in My presence,” “Linger with Me.” Right now, there is an invitation being extended to us, as His people, to …

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