Author name: Kyle Winkler

The 5-Minute Thinking Strategy to Grow Confidence and Courage

The human brain is an amazing and complex organ. It’s the control center for our bodies, both physically and emotionally. That’s why the Bible cautions to “guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life” (Prov. 4:23, CEV). Science is constantly learning how the brain works. What we know for sure is that …

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Secrets to Prevailing Through Pain, Suffering and Disappointment

Popular radio host and author Susie Larson knows what it’s like to be in pain. From childhood to today, she’s faced numerous battles, such as sexual trauma, Lyme disease and neurological disorder. At the height of her storms, fraught with symptoms, Susie cried out to God: “What’s going on, Lord? Where are you?” That’s when …

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How to Shut Down the Enemy’s Attacks of Rejection

Do you wrestle with demeaning thoughts about yourself? Do you sometimes feel rejected or unworthy? Those thoughts and feelings don’t define who you really are. They’re the results of Satan’s lies in your life. If you’re ready to shut down the enemy’s attacks, threats, lies and accusations for good, then join Kyle Winkler and Patricia …

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3 Sure Ways to Refuse Fear and Panic After Receiving Bad News

These days, we’re inundated with fear-inducing news, both culturally and personally. But if you think about it, it’s never a fact alone that provokes panic. It’s never only the symptom of a sickness or the arrival of a bill. But trepidation is the outcome of fact plus the interpretation of what these might mean: death …

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How to Rewire Your Mind to Defeat Fear, Insecurity and Depression

We all know the brain is a complex organ. Scientists continue to discover new intricacies of its design. One of those discoveries includes why we often struggle so much with negative emotions like fear, insecurity and depression. It actually has to do with the devil’s distortion of how God designed the mind. Of course, God …

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Could This Single Phrase from Jesus Be Key to the Next Revival?

I often liken Jesus to a spiritual wrecking ball to the religious culture of His day. That is, His ministry obliterated many of the long-held beliefs taught by their most esteemed leaders. To recount a few of His taboos: He healed on the Sabbath, spoke to women in public and interacted with Samaritans. All of …

Could This Single Phrase from Jesus Be Key to the Next Revival? Read More »

The Biblical Secret to Fearless Courage During Coronavirus Chaos

On my right hand, I wear a ring inscribed with a scripture that’s been an inspiring instruction to me for many years. It’s Joshua 1:9: “Be strong and courageous.” In the Bible, the verse goes on to say, “Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” …

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Spirit-Filled Doctor Reveals Eye-Opening Truths About Coronavirus

There’s a lot of fear swirling around about the coronavirus. But is all the panic really warranted, or is much of it being spread by myth and misinformation? To help answer these questions (and more), I recently hosted a great friend and Spirit-filled physician from Washington, D.C., Dr. Leo Carney, for a truth-revealing, fear-dispelling interview …

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A Simple Way to Rewire and Renew Your Mind

Recently, my Bible study group came across the verse: “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2b). Certainly, this isn’t an obscure verse. If you’ve been in the church for even a little while, you’ve likely heard it. It’s often used by we preachers as the one-size-fits-all answer for just about everything. Fearful? …

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How to Position Yourself to Receive God’s Supernatural Power

Life promises trials and tribulation. God promises supernatural strength to face and overcome it all. But are you properly positioned to receive it? In this video, teacher Kyle Winkler explains how you can do that. {eoa} Kyle Winkler ( is the creator of the popular Shut Up, Devil! mobile app. His latest book is Activating …

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How to Break Down the Biggest Barrier to Hearing God

Part and parcel to any relationship is communication—sending and receiving, talking and listening. Our relationships with God are no different. It’s of no debate that God wants to hear our voices. But Jesus revealed that God also wants us to hear His. “My sheep hear My voice,” He assured (John 10:27). ‘My Sheep Hear My …

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3 Steps to Experience Supernatural Strength in Impossible Situations

It’s a certainty: Trials will come, tight deadlines will have to be met, you’ll have to smile through pain and God will ask you to take on a seemingly impossible task. And you can do it all (and so much more)! That’s because the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, empowered the …

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