Author name: Kyle Winkler

Bible Teacher: The Often-Untapped Power for Lasting Breakthrough

Many years ago, while flipping through the channels, I stumbled across an enticing infomercial. This one was stacked with uber-fit people all attributing their rock-solid abs to some electronic stimulator belt. Strap it on for “just 15 minutes a day and you’ll have a six-pack in no time,” it touted. It had my attention. Within …

Bible Teacher: The Often-Untapped Power for Lasting Breakthrough Read More »

6 Defenses to Help You Immediately Defeat the Enemy in Spiritual Warfare

So much of spiritual warfare teaching infers a cosmic slugfest with the enemy. “Pray up,” “fast up” and “suit up” we’re instructed, in order to prepare for inevitable battle with the prince of darkness. The issue with such teaching is that it largely relies upon our own efforts and often fails to remember Christ’s efforts …

6 Defenses to Help You Immediately Defeat the Enemy in Spiritual Warfare Read More »

Spiritual Warfare: What You Can Do When You’re Paralyzed by Worries

A very worried man once approached famous 18th-century preacher John Wesley, nervously complaining, “I don’t know what I should do with all this trouble in my life!” Just as the anxious man finished, Wesley noticed a cow looking over a stone wall. And as if by divine revelation, Wesley suddenly saw a profound lesson in …

Spiritual Warfare: What You Can Do When You’re Paralyzed by Worries Read More »

3 Steps to Experience Supernatural Strength in Difficult Situations

It’s a certainty: Trials will come; tight deadlines will have to be met; you’ll have to smile through pain; God will ask you to take on a seemingly impossible task. And you can do it all (and so much more)! That’s because the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, empowered the early …

3 Steps to Experience Supernatural Strength in Difficult Situations Read More »

Jesus’ Simple Instruction That Led to a 4 Million Percent Growth in Christianity

I often liken Jesus to a spiritual wrecking ball to the religious culture of His day. That is, His ministry obliterated many of the long-held beliefs taught by their most esteemed leaders. To recount a few of His taboos: He healed on the Sabbath, spoke to women in public and interacted with Samaritans. All of …

Jesus’ Simple Instruction That Led to a 4 Million Percent Growth in Christianity Read More »

Breaking Down the Biggest Barrier to Hearing God’s Voice

Part and parcel to any relationship is communication—sending and receiving, talking and listening. Our relationships with God are no different. It’s of no debate that God wants to hear our voices. But Jesus revealed that God also wants us to hear His. “My sheep hear My voice,” He assured (John 10:27, ESV). “My Sheep Hear …

Breaking Down the Biggest Barrier to Hearing God’s Voice Read More »

How to Know if You Have ‘Christian’ Genes And What They Say About You

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kyle Winkler (@kylejwinkler) We each have genes given to us by our parents. Among many traits, these genes determined the color of your eyes, skin and hair. They set the shapes of your features. They decided some of your personality predispositions. Like them or not, you …

How to Know if You Have ‘Christian’ Genes And What They Say About You Read More »

Bible Teacher Reveals a Surprisingly Easy Way to Renew Your Mind

Recently, my Bible study group came across the verse: “be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Rom. 12:2b, ESV). Certainly, this isn’t an obscure verse. If you’ve been in the church for even a little while, you’ve likely heard it. It’s often used by we preachers as the one-size-fits-all answer for just about everything. …

Bible Teacher Reveals a Surprisingly Easy Way to Renew Your Mind Read More »

Two Keys to Easily Discern God’s Voice Vs. The Enemy’s Voice

We all feel it—this world is inundated with noise. Both on and off the Internet, the countless voices that vie for our attention make it a challenge to know what to let in versus what to shut out. Consequently, this chaos of the natural world often makes it even more difficult to discern the voices …

Two Keys to Easily Discern God’s Voice Vs. The Enemy’s Voice Read More »

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