Author name: KP Yohannon

‘Gandhi Man’ Overcame Debilitating Fears to Preach the Gospel of Christ in India

I got my first rebuff when I applied to the mission’s headquarters in Trivandrum. Because I was underage, the mission’s directors at first refused to let me join the teams going north. But I was permitted to attend the annual training conference to be held in Bangalore, Karnataka. At the conference I first heard missionary …

‘Gandhi Man’ Overcame Debilitating Fears to Preach the Gospel of Christ in India Read More »

How Do We Reclaim This ‘Vanishing Generation’?

Nearly two-thirds of people ages 18-29 who grew up in the U.S. going to church have dropped out, according to the Barna research group. One-third described church as “boring,” one-quarter said faith is “not relevant,” and one-in-five who attended church as a teenager said God “seems missing” from their experience. What went wrong? I believe …

How Do We Reclaim This ‘Vanishing Generation’? Read More »

Missionaries Spark Miraculous Movements in Asia With This Simple Act of Obedience

The silence of the great hall in Kochi was broken only by soft, choking sobs. The Spirit of God was moving over the room with awesome power, convicting of sin and calling men and women into His service. Before the meeting ended, 120 of the 1,200 pastors and Christian leaders present made their way to …

Missionaries Spark Miraculous Movements in Asia With This Simple Act of Obedience Read More »

Third Wave of Missions May Be the Most Important Work of the Holy Spirit Ever

Missions today is not as it always has been. In the 1980s, most evangelical Christians in the West viewed missions history in terms of two great waves: (1) Apostles obeyed the Great Commission in the New Testament world, and (2) around the time of William Carey’s pioneer work in 18th-century India, and in the 19th …

Third Wave of Missions May Be the Most Important Work of the Holy Spirit Ever Read More »

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