Author name: Kimberly Daniels


The Key to Understanding the Spiritual Realms of Authority

Understanding realms of authority is a safeguard against getting outside of your spiritual coast. Knowing your limitations in the spirit is a must. Understanding realms of authority will also enhance and accent your God-given gifts. It brings correction to our tendencies to rebel. Understanding realms of authority gives us a better foundation in understanding order. …

The Key to Understanding the Spiritual Realms of Authority Read More »

10 Characteristics of a Religious Spirit

Here are a few practical characteristics of religious spirits and how they can be recognized. 1. Religious spirits have no authority in Jesus Christ. Jesus hated religious spirits. Jesus was not a religious person, and He did things that shook the religious kingdoms of the earth. Acts 19:13–16 tells the story of seven sons of a man named Sceva. They …

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A First in Florida

Could a 450-year milestone establish new order in the “First Coast” state?c-KimDaniels

Florida has been a key state in recent national election seasons, yet it’s also been the focal point of many prophetic words regarding the apostolic spirit resting upon it. The word apostolic relates to being “first in order or that which sets order,” and indeed, prophetic statements have defined Florida as a pioneering state that sets the standard for the nation and for revival.

Because Jacksonville, Fla., is my hometown, I take note whenever people offer such words concerning Florida. Lately, though, I’ve noticed the prophetic words spoken over my state are manifesting in a three-fold nature in 2012: in the natural, spiritual and historical.

In the natural, you don’t have to be a prophet to know that during the year of the presidential election all eyes will be on Florida. But it’s the spiritual and historical elements that have brought new revelation to why this is called the “First Coast” state.

The Fight is On

Like it or not, faith involves spiritual warfare. Are you combat ready?

is amazing how God will use natural tools to make a spiritual
difference in our lives. Before I was saved, I could not relate to the
spiritual, so God used the military to put me on the right track.
Enlisting in the service was part of my destiny. And the Lord has
blessed me with the experience of an extensive military background.
While in the United States Army, I moved through the ranks at an
incredible pace.

However, initially, because of my background, my
transition from the streets to basic training was quite drastic. When
the recruiter picked me up to go to the processing center to be inducted
into the army, I was smoking cocaine. The recruiter waited in the car
as I took my last hit.

The Devil’s Worst Nightmare

If you are a believer, then Jesus has given you the
authority to represent Him. Mark 16:17-18 tells us: “‘These signs will
follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they
will speak with new tongues: they will take up serpents; and if they
drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay
hands on the sick, and they will recover’” (NKJV).

Every believer has the ability to cast out devils. A
believer who does not cast out devils is like a person who carries
around a gift card but never uses it.


The Disaster in Haiti

Why Pat Robertson’s comments were misunderstood

Editor’s Note: Author Kimberly Daniels originally sent the following message on Jan. 17 to a network of intercessors she trains in spiritual warfare. We are posting it here with her permission, but ask readers to keep in mind the context in which it was written and the audience of mature prayer warriors she was specifically addressing.

KimdanielsI got up early the morning after the earthquake in Haiti to pray. As my prayer partner and I began to cry out for worldwide relief and support, miraculous rescues, protection for missionaries/orphans and the immediate needs of the people, the Lord interrupted our flow. Clearly I heard the voice of the Lord say, “Do not get in the way of My vengeance!” Though we continued to pray for the humanitarian cause, we could not overlook the spiritual implications of the situation. My heart breaks for the needs of the people in Haiti as a result of the earthquake, but the truth is, the problem in Haiti is deeper than what has happened this week.

My husband and I went to Haiti last summer. It was a trip that changed my life. It is true that (in America) we are rich in the poorest of slums in comparison to the living conditions in Haiti. I was not surprised to see how prevalent religious spirits were in a country that has been dedicated unto voodoo. I understand the principle that all witchcraft must be attached to a religion. Even satanists have their own bible.

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween—October 31—is considered a holiday in the United States. In fact, it rivals Christmas with regard to how widely celebrated it is. Stores that sell only Halloween-related paraphernalia open up a few months before the day and close shortly after it ends. But is Halloween a holiday that Christians should be observing?

The word “holiday” means “holy day.” But there is nothing holy about Halloween. The root word of Halloween is “hallow,” which means “holy, consecrated and set apart for service.” If this holiday is hallowed, whose service is it set apart for? The answer to that question is very easy-Lucifer’s!

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