Author name: Kathie Walters

The Bible warns us of those

Liberating Your Mind From ‘Destructive, Little Foxes’ That Block Your Healing

“Why is it that when I get physically hurt, I can receive healing right away, but emotional hurts hang on for months?” my friend Jill asked me. I answered with a question: “What do you do when you need a physical healing?” Jill thought for a while. “When my father was visiting me,” she replied, …

Liberating Your Mind From ‘Destructive, Little Foxes’ That Block Your Healing Read More »

Soar Like an Eagle

One of my friend’s sons has a parrot named Danny.  Once when I went to visit, the bird,
which was perched on the child’s shoulder, screeched so loudly it hurt my
ears.  I looked nervously at it and
then at its owner.  Seeing my
apprehensive glance, my friend’s son spoke to me.

woman talking

Taking Jesus to the Marketplace

woman talkingEveryday
we pass up opportunities to reveal Jesus to others. But with a little
creativity we can seize those moments for eternity.

of the last things Jesus said to the disciples was, “‘Go into all the
world and preach the gospel to every creature'” (Mark 16:15, NKJV). This
Scripture applies to His followers today as well, but it doesn’t mean
we all have to leave our jobs and homes and go into full-time ministry.
It simply means we are to act as Jesus acted.

deposited His life in us, the church. Now we are commissioned to do
just what He did–and He gave us the power and authority to do it. He
said, “‘I give you the authority over all the power of the enemy, and
nothing shall by any means hurt you'” (Luke 10:19).

problem is that we often put limits on God. We acquire wrong mind-sets
about the ways in which He works–or the ways in which He will work
through us. We need to ask Him to remove the mental “box” that limits
our faith and to help us believe that the same Spirit who was in Jesus
is in us, making it possible for us to operate in the same types of
ministry He did.

Stop Judging by Appearances

I had a stunning experience recently that God used to
point out something to me. I had been away for a few days visiting and
praying with Rose Weiner, a close friend of mine who lives in
Gainesville, Florida. Rose and her husband, Bob, had a ministry raising
up churches on the campuses of the United States and in other nations.
They discipled and trained many hundreds of young people to take the
gospel to the nations.

God’s Invisible Messengers

Have you ever wondered about the part angels play in your
daily life? Many Christians believe God sends them only to “special”
people, such as those with large ministries, or on “special” occasions,
such as when a person is in danger. The truth is that angels have a
ministry to all the saints of God—including you and me—to strengthen,
comfort and help us in our ministries.

The Witness of the Holy Spirit

If you’ve ever read any written accounts of true revivals in past ages, you know about the powerful ways in which God moved upon the people, both inside and outside the church. But you may not be aware that when these powerful manifestations of God took place, many other things—things that were not of God—came in also. Strong fleshly shows and demonic take-offs tried to discredit the move. Without the discernment present to separate the precious from the vile, there was a kind of chaos.

Scotland Hebrides, Iona Nunnery

When Heaven Invaded Scotland

A handful of intercessors in the Hebrides, off the coast of Scotland, came together to pray in the late 1940s. When God answered their prayers, revival swept the islands, and entire communities experienced the Holy Spirit’s power. Mention the word “revival” among modern-day charismatics, and you’re likely to call up associations such as Toronto, Brownsville, …

When Heaven Invaded Scotland Read More »

God’s Invisible Messengers


Have you ever wondered about the part angels play in your daily life? Many Christians believe God sends them only to “special” people, such as those with large ministries, or on “special” occasions, such as when a person is in danger. The truth is that angels have a ministry to all the saints of God–including you and me–to strengthen, comfort and help us in our ministries.

Throughout the Bible–Old and New Testaments–there are accounts of the involvement of angels in the lives of God’s people. In fact, angel appearances were so common among the early Christians that it was easier for Jesus’ disciples to believe that Peter’s angel was knocking at the door of the place where they were praying than that Peter had been released from prison! (See Acts 12:12-17.) Here are just a few examples of angelic activity recorded in Scripture:

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