Author name: Joy F. Strang

Rely On God

During the holidays my family traveled to London, England, for a vacation. The trip was an analogy of a much more important journey each of us is on–fulfilling God’s plan for his or her life.

For one thing, the preparation was longer than the journey itself. We prepared for months, checking flight times and prices and making certain all our paperwork was in order.

Some of the preparation was tedious and time-consuming. How true this is in the spiritual realm as well! In fact, the season of preparation God requires of us often drags out so long we get discouraged because we are eager to be going somewhere.

Rest In The Storm

My husband, Steve, and I own property that has an eagle’s nest on it. One day after a spring storm we went out to check on the property and found that a third of the nest had been blown down.

As I looked at the fallen pieces, it occurred to me that often when we think of eagles we picture the majestic bird that is our national symbol–a bird that is able to soar high above any tempest that might come along. We rarely think of eagles as having to go through storms.

Yet if a storm comes while young are in the nest, the mother eagle has to leave her soaring and return to the nest to protect them. When it is over, she has to rebuild what has been lost and go on.

Be Strong and Courageous

At our annual Charisma Women’s Conference this spring, God spoke a powerful word to the nearly 8,000 women who attended. He said that it is time for us as women to step forward and accept the authority He has given us. He reminded us that we are empowered and authorized by His Word to do whatever He tells us to do.

The promised land described in the Old Testament is a picture of what God has available to us (see Josh. 1). He has a promised land for each of our lives–a destiny that only we can fulfill. Your promised land is the will of God for your life, and the only place you will find total fulfillment.

But to take your land, you must heed the admonition given to Joshua: “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go” (v. 7, NIV).

To God, That’s Easy

Evangelists Charles and Frances Hunter recently visited our office. After ministering at our noon prayer meeting, they offered to pray for anyone who needed healing.

Frequently when the person requesting prayer listed his ills–no matter how serious they were–Frances delightedly exclaimed, “Oh, that’s easy!” and then prayed a simple prayer in faith. She knew that no ailment, from fibromyalgia to heart disease, was too hard for God.

Later I found myself repeating that phrase in my mind as I dealt with issues at the office. We have a conference facilities problem? Oh, that’s easy! A staffing issue in a critical department? That’s easy for God.

New Eyes to See

For years I prayed for a healing miracle for my eyes. From the time I was in junior high school I had worn corrective lenses for myopia (near-sightedness), but the condition had continued to worsen until my vision was no longer fully correctable. I could see, but not clearly.

In 2000 I heard about a new procedure that could reverse the effects of myopia and learned that I was a good candidate. In an amazing operation that took only about 10 minutes, my vision was restored to such a degree that I no longer needed lenses. I had received new eyes to see, and many things changed as I looked at the world differently.

A person who is totally blind in the natural can still have vision. Helen Keller (1880-1968), the well-known American lecturer, was both blind and deaf but was able to see past her darkness. Her life impacted the world as she accomplished things that were unbelievable for one with such a handicap.

Reconciling Mary and Martha

By nature, I am a doer–and I like projects, whether they are related to decorating my home; running Strang Communications, the business my husband and I started in 1981; or helping a person get his marriage or his finances on track. But a number of years ago I learned that the activity of a Martha is meaningless without the heart of a Mary. We aren’t to be one or the other, but both–at the same time.

In other words, our goal is not to break down our daily lives into segments, making sure that we “pray” as much as we “do.” Our goal is to learn how to pray and do simultaneously. Paul says we are to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). How is this possible when we have so many responsibilities to attend to?

The key, as Quaker Thomas Kelly describes in his book, A Testament of Devotion, is to live on two planes at once. It is possible, he says, to remain in continual communion with God while also carrying out the duties of our individual stations in life. Our spirits maintain the inner connection, and our minds and bodies do the work.

Faith Over Fear

 The beginning of a new year is like a mile marker on the path of life–a checkpoint to show how far you’ve come. It’s a good time to think about where you are on the road to destiny.

When you were younger, what did you expect to have accomplished by this point? When you first got a vision of what God had planned for you, where did you think you would be by now? Are you moving forward–or has the climate of fear in our country paralyzed you and prevented you from making progress?

Many of us have allowed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 and the subsequent declaration of war to immobilize us. We have allowed fear to supercede faith–and to rule our thoughts, feelings and actions.

What Will We Leave Them?

For the sake of our children, it is time to disobey.

Our society is increasingly criminalizing our right to stand up for what we believe. The media has encouraged the trend by making it vogue to be tolerant of every kind of perversion and by villainizing Christians who choose a biblical standard for their lives. How far will we allow this trend to go?

The nation I inherited as an adult was different from the one I was born into. Though it was imperfect morally, as Christians we could speak freely.

woman travelling

When Transition Hurts

Nothing in life is certain except death, taxes–and change. God never changes, but we do. Through sanctification we are transformed from sinful, carnal creatures into the image of God’s Son. Becoming like Jesus requires a lot of change–and often involves difficult periods of transition. Transition can take many forms. It can be like the transition …

When Transition Hurts Read More »

Time For A Revolution

Recently Charisma magazine reported on a crusade in Nigeria that was hosted by German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. During the six days of the crusade, a record number of people–3.4 million–made decisions to receive Christ.

In a television interview not long after the crusade Bonnke said:”The tide is coming in! The immovable is now movable; the impossible is now possible; the incurable is now curable!”

I believe Bonnke’s comment was a prophetic statement about the spiritual atmosphere in the world today. Many leaders, both Christian and secular, have sensed a turning of the spiritual tide. Related to the recent change of leadership in our nation, a secular newscaster declared that “God is in,” and U.S. News & World Report raised the question, “Is America undergoing a spiritual awakening?”

Preparing The Bride

When a woman is planning to be married, she generally spends months preparing for the wedding ceremony. She shops for a wedding dress, chooses outfits for her attendants, orders flowers, addresses and mails out invitations, secures a location for the reception, engages a photographer and musicians, schedules a church and a clergyman, and does scores of other related, time-consuming tasks, all to ensure that the service itself will be a memorable occasion and a fit beginning for her new life–a life she has yearned for and dreamed about for a long time.

What some of us don’t realize is that whether we have ever planned, or will ever plan, a wedding in the natural, we are preparing for a marriage in eternity with the Lamb of God.

God’s plan for us is that we become the bride of Christ. According to Anna Rountree, author of The Heavens Opened (Creation House), this plan is much like an arranged marriage. At the point of our new birth, our future spiritual marriage is set up in heaven somewhat as arranged marriages are here on Earth. It is essential that we keep this vision before us throughout our lives so that every decision we make will serve the end of preparing us for our destined role.

The Balanced Life

I once heard a message in church on “the balanced life.” The speaker made the point that we need to give equal time to each of the most significant areas of our lives so we don’t get out of balance.

I felt prompted to do a search on the word “balance” in my small computer Bible to find scriptural backing for the message. The only reference given that contained the word was a verse in Proverbs, and that had to do with a scale–in other words, with weights and measures, not with the way we use our time.

What I found did not convince me that the preacher was right. I asked the Holy Spirit to show me the truth, and He replied, “The truth is that being wholehearted for God is the key to balance.”

Lord, Send Your Fire!

Recently my husband, Steve, and I visited Argentina, where revival has been taking place for several years now. Over and over again we heard the same message proclaimed: God is pouring out His fire to purify and prepare a bride who is without spot or wrinkle. This message is based on the declaration John the Baptist made about Jesus, “‘He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire'” (Matt. 3:11, NIV, emphasis added).

One of the results of being baptized in fire is holiness, a characteristic that was the primary focus of the Spirit in the late 1800s. It defined the Holiness movement and set the stage for the Pentecostal movement that followed at the turn of the century.

But gradually the emphasis in the Holiness movement changed from seeking to develop a pure heart to simply following a set of rules, and true holiness–taking on the nature of God–was lost. We settled for a doctrine of partial holiness: one that allowed a watered-down purity to coexist with carnal hearts full of compromise, competition and division.

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