Author name: Joseph Mattera

Has God Called the Church to Rule the World?

Over the last two decades, I’ve been hearing more and more people equate the New Testament term for church, also called the ekklesia, primarily with influencing secular politics (like instituting a Christian theocracy). This is because the etymology of this word had to do with the way the Greek citizens would assemble to make public …

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10 Examples of How the Story of Jesus Has Universal Appeal

Jesus, as the Creator, has his DNA embedded in the fabric of reality. As the logos or divine template, He is the cosmic archetype imprinted on all living and nonliving entities. An archetype is a universal pattern manifesting across cultures in symbols, themes and characters. The following are 10 examples of how the story of …

10 Examples of How the Story of Jesus Has Universal Appeal Read More »

10 Reasons Why Jesus Is the Big Story for Everyone’s Story

According to Hebrews 2:10, all things come from, to and through Jesus. This has vast implications for how we should view the purpose of humanity and creation. Consequently, Jesus is the metanarrative of the entire cosmos, not just the Gospels. Every person’s story ultimately points to the Jesus narrative. When Jesus said that He was …

10 Reasons Why Jesus Is the Big Story for Everyone’s Story Read More »

10 Signs of the Lack of a Biblical Worldview

Throughout the years, I have discovered that the average Christian and a large number of church ministers lack a biblical worldview (BWV). BWV refers to interpreting every aspect of life through the lens of Scripture, i.e., your view of politics, the sanctity of life, marriage, economics, education, science, and law derived from biblical principles. Here …

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6 Reasons Why the Church Should Embrace the Cross of Christ

Preaching on the cross of Christ has fallen out of favor in recent decades. Dispensational “hyper grace” teaching even dismisses passages employing Christ followers to take up their cross as not applicable in the church age (Mark 8:34). However, the cross of Christ holds eternal significance for Christians, representing sacrifice, redemption and the ultimate expression …

6 Reasons Why the Church Should Embrace the Cross of Christ Read More »

7 Reasons to Believe in a Pre-Gospel Covenant Between God and the World

The concept of a pre-gospel covenant between God and the world highlights the belief that God had a covenantal relationship with humanity even before the advent of the gospel. In this article, we will explore compelling reasons that support the notion of a pre-gospel covenant, shedding light on God’s interaction with the world before the …

7 Reasons to Believe in a Pre-Gospel Covenant Between God and the World Read More »

7 Areas Where the Church Must Bridge Critical Gaps

Since 1980, I began serving God in leadership. I have observed severe gaps in the church in at least seven major areas If not corrected, the critical gaps in these areas will significantly limit the ability of the church to fulfill the Great Commission and our preparation for the bodily return of Jesus. 1. The …

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7 Spiritual Consequences From Breaking God’s Boundaries

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they separated themselves from God and became semi-autonomous (Gen. 2:15-17; 3:1-8). This sin opened up the proverbial “Pandora’s box” since their actions created an innate propensity for humans to cross forbidden boundaries. To illustrate, one of the words …

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