Author name: Jonathan Bernis

Charles Darwin's theories are taught in many classrooms, but there are major problems with those theories.

A Messianic Jewish Leader Cites 3 Major Problems With the Theory of Evolution

Despite the fact that it may be possible, at least in some ways, to square the Bible’s account of creation with the teachings of Charles Darwin, there are at least three major problems with the theory of evolution: 1. It cannot explain how life began. While Darwin’s theory of evolution may seem logical, it never …

A Messianic Jewish Leader Cites 3 Major Problems With the Theory of Evolution Read More »

Jonathan Bernis

Have You Hugged a (Messianic) Jew Lately?

Note: This article originally appeared in the April 1997 issue of Charisma magazine. The rabbi sat across from me in his overstuffed leather armchair, his library of Jewish learning surrounding him like an ancient fortress. “You are meshumed—one who is spiritually destroyed as a Jew!” he declared. “Just as Adolph Hitler sought to destroy our …

Have You Hugged a (Messianic) Jew Lately? Read More »

Jewish Voice Ministries International's Jonathan Bernis

Finding the Missing Link in Our Missiology

Decades of annual, clockwork-like repetition had taught John Wilkinson to expect the arrival of the letter in the opening days of each New Year. Wilkinson had founded the Mildmay Mission to the Jews in London in 1876. And, not long after the organization launched, he began receiving annually a check in the mail from a …

Finding the Missing Link in Our Missiology Read More »


Pray Now for the Peace of Israel

jonathanbernis_croppedAt this moment on the international stage, a drama over the security
of Israel is unfolding in New York City, the results of which could play a prophetic role in world affairs for generations to come.

The eyes of the
world are on New York as many nations gather for the Durban III conference,
where world leaders are there to address the U.N. in support of Palestinian

President Obama
acknowledged yesterday what Israel has been saying for months.  In an
interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu he said, “Peace cannot be imposed on the parties.  It is going to have to
be negotiated.”

The Most Important City on Earth

I love Jerusalem! I love it because it’s a beautiful city and because it is where Messiah taught, laid down His life for the sins of mankind, and was resurrected, triumphing over death. It is the city of the great kings David and Solomon, and the place where the prophets and other great Bible heroes came to worship God in the temple.

From a human perspective, Jerusalem would not rank as one of the world’s most important cities. Even when biblical history was being written in Jerusalem’s streets, the city was not as significant as Alexandria, Rome or Athens.

Still, 3,000 years after King David’s reign, most of the world’s population believes that Jerusalem is the most important city on earth. There is only one possible reason: It is important to God and to His plans for the last days.

Sharing the Love of Yeshua

From time to time, friends ask me how to share their faith in Yeshua (Jesus) with Jewish friends and acquaintances. I really enjoy addressing this issue for a variety of reasons, but mostly because too few of us know where to begin to speak to this question in the most sensitive, yet effective, way.

Many Christians in my acquaintance have a somewhat vague awareness that the Jews are God’s chosen people, but there are various misconceptions about Jewish practices and traditions, including an erroneous belief that all Jews reject Jesus as their Messiah.

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