Author name: John Paul Jackson

John Paul Jackson

In the Face of Cancer, John Paul Jackson Shares How to Get Rid of Your Fear

Over time, I have discovered that God takes our fears very seriously. We often do not. Most of us have been afraid of the same things for so many years that we almost don’t notice how they’re affecting us anymore—or worse, we choose to ignore them.

This isn’t fear, we may think. I just don’t do that sort of thing. I’m not outgoing enough.

It’s not because I’m afraid of failing. I’ve just decided not to see this through.

I know God doesn’t want me to be afraid of this (person, event, situation), but I am.

Our fears may seem small and insignificant to us, but they aren’t to God. He will often go to great lengths to see that we are delivered from them.

Taking the Pathetic Out of the Prophetic

Thirty years ago, prophetic ministry dramatically altered the course of my life. God sent a seasoned prophetic woman all the way from Israel to Dallas in order to have a three-minute telephone conversation with me via a radio program.

This encounter completely changed my career and life expectations and thrust me into ministry. It is an example of the power of true prophetic ministry-something that is desperately needed in difficult times.


Prophetic Protocol

Our generation is hungry for the paranormal. People everywhere are looking for answers, and their search has led to an obsession with various forms of spirituality that are devoid of God’s light and full of the lies of the enemy—witchcraft, astrology, necromancy, sorcery, spiritism and so on. Many have come to depend on psychics for the answers they seek.

We live in a time when the lost, often unwittingly, “[exchange] the truth of God for the lie” (Rom. 1:25, NKJV). Scripture foretold of this time: “‘For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect’” (Mark 13:22).


The Coming Perfect Storm

Editor’s Note: The following prophetic bulletin was originally written by John Paul Jackson, founder of Streams Ministries International (, in August 2008. He later released it publicly at the prompting of his board—not knowing how relevant it would be at that time. Jackson says of the bulletin: “When I first wrote it, little did I know the events that were soon to happen concerning Todd Bentley, the Gulf hurricanes, Russia’s invasion of Georgia, the trains that would collide near Los Angeles, Sarah Palin’s nomination and the stir that would cause, or September 15th’s stock market plunge. All of these are early elements of what the Lord called ‘The Coming Perfect Storm.’” We reprint the bulletin here in order to give it as wide a circulation as possible. At the end you can click to read Jackson’s comments about dealing with tough times and his list of six things you should keep in mind as you weather the storm.

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