Author name: Jerry Dykstra


Open Doors Launches Prayer Camapaign During Ramadan

muslimprayingcroppedWith the start of the month-long Islamic fast called Ramadan beginning Aug. 1, Open Doors USA is launching a 30-day campaign urging Christians in the
West to pray for persecuted believers in Muslim-dominated

During August most Muslims will
fast from dawn until dusk, seeking to shed their sins through acts of restraint.
They believe this is a time of purification accomplished through good deeds and
self control.

“Ramadan is a
time when Christians are especially isolated in some Muslim-dominated
countries,” says Open Doors USA President/CEO Dr. Carl Moeller. “This is why it
is so important for us to unite in prayer for persecuted Christians throughout
the world. I urge you to use the Open Doors resources to pray for our brothers
and sisters.”


Syrian Christians Facing Uncertainty During Turmoil

syriamapOngoing turmoil in the embattled nation of Syria means its Christians face uncertain futures.

Easter weekend was one of the bloodiest since the riots and anti-government demonstrations started in mid-March, leading some churches to cancel Easter services. The Associated Press reported 120 deaths last weekend across Syria and a total of 450 deaths since the unrest began.

Rahid, a Syrian church leader, says: “Christians are fasting from all food from today until Saturday. Please join us in prayer and fasting. We want peace in our country. Please pray for our government and our police and army, that they can maintain the peace.”


Christians Endangered Species in Iraq

iraqmurders“If this exodus is not stopped, Iraq will not have any Christians left in three years.” So says Steve, an under cover field worker for Open Doors in the Muslim-dominated country.

Since the al-Qaeda-linked massacre that killed almost 60 Christians at Our Lady of Salvation Church in Baghdad on Oct. 31, 2010, an estimated 45,000 to 95,000 Christians have left the country. Sources have told Open Doors that only an estimated 250,000 to 300,000 Christians remain in the country. Many sources reported that in 1991 Christians in Iraq numbered around 850,000, including those living in the Kurdish region. In 2003 the number dropped to 550,000 and in early 2010 there were 345,000.

No Pardons for Thousands of North Korean Prisoners

Today U.S. journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling returned home to their friends and family in an emotional reunion after North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il issued a special pardon. Their return came after former U.S. President Bill Clinton made an unannounced visit to Pyongyang to help secure their release. Ling and Lee had been found …

No Pardons for Thousands of North Korean Prisoners Read More »

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