Author name: Jentezen Franklin

glass of water

Does the Bible Require All Christians to Fast?

What is fasting? Since there are so many misconceptions about it, I first want to clarify what fasting—biblical fasting—is not. Fasting is not merely going without food for a period of time. That is dieting—maybe even starving—but fasting it is not. Nor is fasting something done only by fanatics. I really want to drive that …

Does the Bible Require All Christians to Fast? Read More »


Why Fast?

During the years that Jesus walked this
earth, He devoted time to teaching His disciples the principles of the kingdom
of God, principles that conflict with those of this world. In the Beatitudes,
specifically in Matthew 6, Jesus provided the pattern by which each of us is to
live as a child of God. That pattern addressed three specific duties of a
Christian: giving, praying and fasting.

Jesus said, “When you give” and “When you pray” and “When you fast.” He
made it clear that fasting, like giving and praying, was a normal part of
Christian life. As much attention should be given to fasting as is devoted to
giving and to praying.

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