Author name: Jamie Buckingham

A Word of Hope for Those Who Feel Homesick This Christmas

Editor’s Note: This article by the late Jamie Buckingham originally appeared in Charisma‘s December issue in 1982. I write this aboard a jet airliner speeding south from one of the nation’s great northern cities. I am heading home for Christmas. How eager I am to see the face of my wife, embrace my now-grown children …

A Word of Hope for Those Who Feel Homesick This Christmas Read More »

Choosing to Obey God When Everything Is Against You

I was fresh out of seminary and the new pastor of a Baptist church in a little South Carolina town when Martin Luther King Jr. led his famous march from Montgomery to Selma, Ala. We did a lot of talking about racial segregation in our deacons’ meetings those days. Everyone was defensive. “We’re integrated,” one …

Choosing to Obey God When Everything Is Against You Read More »

Recognizing and Defeating the Seductive Spirit of the World

The head of a large missionary organization told me that they are being sued by two of their members. These people had earlier dedicated their lives to missions. Now they have various ailments. One man has ulcers. A woman, who lived in the tropics, has skin cancer. A “Christian” lawyer, hearing of their problems, advised …

Recognizing and Defeating the Seductive Spirit of the World Read More »

It's time to cut down Satan's agenda.

Hacking Down the Devil’s Life-Stealing Agenda

Note: Jamie Buckingham’s insight in this 1990 Charisma & Christian Life column still challenges believers to this day. We honor his memory today, as Feb. 17, 2017, marks the 25th anniversary of his death. We have four generations living in our home. Jackie’s mother, Daisy Law, is 82 years old. She has Parkinson’s disease. Some …

Hacking Down the Devil’s Life-Stealing Agenda Read More »

It's just possible the media might be His gift to the church—a Philistine force designed to keep us truthful.

What You Should Do When a Spiritual Leader Falls Into Sin—and What You Shouldn’t

Note: Today is the 25th anniversary of prolific writer Jamie Buckingham’s death, yet this column he wrote for Charisma in 1992 still speaks a powerful word for our culture. When Dan Rostenkowski, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, was asked by a reporter if any of his checks had bounced in the congres­sional bank, he …

What You Should Do When a Spiritual Leader Falls Into Sin—and What You Shouldn’t Read More »

God calls us as Christians to swim against the current.

As a Christian, I Refuse to Be a Conformist—and So Should You

Note: Jamie Buckingham’s wit and wisdom from a 1979 column in Charisma still makes you think. We honor his memory today 25 years after his death. It seems I am to spend my life paddling upstream. While many of my Christian brothers are happily floating with the current, here I am, doggedly battling in the …

As a Christian, I Refuse to Be a Conformist—and So Should You Read More »

If you keep going at breakneck speed, you won't like the consequences.

Why God Is Saying Slow Down Before You Burn Out, Man of God

Note: 25 years after prolific writer Jamie Buckingham passed away, this Charisma column from 1980 is still timely. Even my wife (especially my wife) knew I was going too fast. Like a speeding train, I whistled through grade crossings, roared over trestles only moments before they collapsed (thanking God I had made it just in …

Why God Is Saying Slow Down Before You Burn Out, Man of God Read More »

Pat Robertson

PAT ROBERTSON: ‘Miracles Became the Central Focus of Our Program’

Note: This article appeared in the April 1983 issue of Charisma magazine. Recently the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network sat down with his long-time friend Jamie Buckingham and answered some pointed questions which give insight into the philosophy behind America’s oldest Christian TV network. Buckingham: Recently Christian Cen­tury magazine said the problem with Christian …

PAT ROBERTSON: ‘Miracles Became the Central Focus of Our Program’ Read More »

Home for the Holidays

What Mystical Longing Calls Us Home for Christmas?

Editor’s Note: This article appeared in the December 1982 issue of Charisma magazine and was written by Jamie Buckingham, former senior pastor at Melbourne Tabernacle Church in Melbourne, Fla. Buckingham died in 1992 at age 59.

I write this aboard a jet airliner speeding south from one of the nation’s greatest northern cities. I am heading home for Christmas.

How eager I am to see the face of my wife, embrace my now-grown children who are gathering at the old homestead, grab my little grandchildren and swing them high as they squeal: “PaPa’s home!”

How eager I am to sit quietly with my dear friends, my extended family, to embrace and whisper “I love you” in the ears of those as committed to me as they are to their own blood relatives. We will embrace, take off our shoes, sit in front of a fire (sipping eggnog), and feel “at home” in each other’s presence.

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