Author name: James Russell

Kingdom Economics: Becoming Contagious for His Glory

Economic contagion is the situation where adverse economic events in a particular economy or region spreads to other economies or regions. A contagion can occur at the domestic or international levels. Essentially all markets are connected through profits of multinational companies, labor, exchange markets, capital goods, monetary policies and a host of supply chain and …

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Kingdom Economics: The Need for a Second Pentecost

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the much awaited August employment report. Before the report’s release, some analysts were arguing that the report would be the most important release for months if not years. After its release, analysts were gleaning the report to find any hints of information that could change the Fed’s aggressive …

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Kingdom Economics: A Strong and Easy Way to Improve Your Christian Witness

Inflation moderated a little during the month of July.  Consumer inflation fell from 8.7% to 8.5%.   Producer inflation fell from 11.3% to 9.8%.  PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditures) fell from 6.8% to 6.3%.  Although inflation was slightly lower for one month, it is still the second highest inflation rate in 40 years.  The battle is far …

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Kingdom Economics: The Importance of Displaying a Christlike Attitude Toward Others

Inflation, wages which have less purchasing power, an unsecured border, increasing taxes, a greater regulatory burden, spot shortages, political intrigue, a slowing economy and geopolitical problems are grabbing the news. Unfortunately, the same issues are also creating anxiety, fear, anger, angst and a sense of hopefulness among many people. We, and the world, need the …

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Kingdom Economics: Seek Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding

The BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) released the July consumer inflation report.  Consumer inflation moderated a little for July as higher prices for housing and food were offset by lower energy prices.  Consumer inflation was 8.5% compared to 9.1% in June and expectations of 8.7%. Core consumer inflation (less energy and food prices) was unchanged …

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Kingdom Economics: Why is America Declining Spiritually So Quickly?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a surprisingly strong July Employment Report.  Total nonfarm employment was 528K (398K previously, 250K expected).  Private nonfarm employment was 471K (404K previously, 230K expected). The headline unemployment rate dropped to 3.5% from 3.6%. Average hourly earnings for the previous 12 months remained unchanged at 5.2% but 4.9% was expected. …

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Kingdom Economics: Who Do You Trust?

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released its first of three estimates for second quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Second-quarter inflation-adjusted (real) GDP fell at an annual rate of 0.9%, compared to a drop of 1.6% in the first quarter, and pre-report expectations of +0.5%. The GDP price index measures inflation for all final good …

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Kingdom Economics: Allow God’s Light to Shine During Hard Times

BLS released the June Consumer Price Index (CPI). Annual consumer inflation was 9.1%, compared to 8.6% in May and 8.8% expected. Consumers haven’t seen inflation this high since November of 1981. Core consumer inflation, which excludes food and energy, was 5.9%. This compares to 6.0% in May and 5.7% expected. Consumers faced higher prices for …

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Kingdom Economics: How to Overcome Conflicting Signals in This World

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released a much stronger than expected June Employment Report.  Non-Farm Employment (the monthly increase in jobs) was 372K, compared to 384K in May and pre-report expectations near 270K.  Private employment was 381K, compared to 336K in May and pre-report forecasts of 240K. Average hourly earnings increased 5.1% from a …

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Kingdom Economics: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress unanimously voted to pass a declaration of independence from Britain. Each signatory was facing death by hanging if the bold experiment failed. The Declaration of Independence declared that all men were created equal and that they were born with God-given rights. Among these rights are life, liberty and the …

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Kingdom Economics: When Things Don’t Go as Expected

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Before the invasion, many—probably most—Western analysts expected the war to last from a few days to a few weeks due to Russia’s vastly superior military might. However, the Ukrainians surprised everyone. Due to the bravery of the Ukrainian people, technologically superior Western weapons and the surprising ineffectiveness of …

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