Author name: Jack Hayford

We share a part of the responsibility. What can we do?

Jack Hayford: America Is Suffering From a Spiritual Drought

America is suffering from an extended spiritual drought. While the social and moral decay of this hour may grieve us, discernment of the larger reason for this blight lies at the door of an all-but-prayerless church. We share a part of that responsibility because—had we been more conscientious earlier—we would not have allowed the progressive …

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Jack Hayford

JACK HAYFORD Explains What Holiness Really Is

Note: This article originally appeared on in May 2013. As often as the word holy is used by Christians, you’d think that we could all agree on a uniform understanding of its meaning. We read our “Holy” Bibles. We receive “Holy” Communion. We sing the hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” and acknowledge the “Holy” Spirit, the third …

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Jack Hayford, children

How to Effectively Speak Blessings Over Your Children

Of all the tools God gave you to raise a child, the most powerful is your tongue. Here’s how to use it for good.

It is perhaps among the most humbling features of God’s ways with humankind that He confers upon us a staggering degree of power (and responsibility) in the capacity of our words to cause things to happen. It is within the broad scope of this remarkable truth that the privilege and power of speaking blessings upon our children come into view.

From the opening words of the Bible, the power of the spoken word is in evidence. In essence, words are not only the means by which creation is made, but they are also the substance—the stuff—of which the tangible realm is shaped. “And God said” appears in the Genesis text; and the next thing, what God said appears in our world.

The power of words is not evident just when God uses them in creating. It is also evident in His ways that teach us how to live within that creation. All the Father’s laws are essentially God’s guidelines for making life “work” in the realm He has created for man’s fruitfulness and fulfillment.

Jack Hayford: Israel In Target

Aside from the hustling crowds and rush-hour traffic jams that define any international metropolis, Jerusalem astounds most of its tourists with how peaceful the city truly is. While the global media assaults readers with reports of nearby suicide bombings and young zealots throwing rocks across Jewish-Palestinian borders, those who live in Israel’s capital city know …

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Jack Hayford: What You Can Do to Stand for Israel

Here are five practical ways to support God’s chosen people: 1. Equip yourself with reliable information, avoiding bigotry and disallowing “blind spots.” Recognize the disposition of the popular press. Assess reports cautiously but not with paranoia. Become familiar with the basics of history in the Middle East, and understand the unique dynamics of what’s occurred …

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Jack Hayford: Election Outcome Could Be Prophetic Announcement

My feelings, following the results of the 2012 presidential race, are not predicated on the relative merits or either candidate. They are borne with facts that are true of Americans’ lives at this time in the 21st century; some of which are flavored by choices by our seated president’s words and actions, but not without …

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Why Stand With Israel Today?

jackhayford2President Obama’s May 19, 2011 announcement regarding Israel needs to be heard as a trumpet call from God’s Spirit: “Beware – Take Action!”

President’s sadly imperceptive declaration—announcing that any quest
for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians “must begin with a
return to the 1967 borders”—is a naked betrayal of our nation’s historic
and just will to support Israel against antagonists that wish to
destroy her very existence.

Such a proposition is a time bomb with internationally destructive
potential; a tragic commentary on our leader and his aides sidestepping
history to placate war-like political forces that do not seek peace but
rather Israel’s eradication as a people. Neither should it be overlooked
by believers in God’s Word that each step our nation takes in such a
direction is a step toward certain self-destruction.

Out With the Old, in With the New

Jesus used the ancient figure of the
wineskins to warn His hearers against the soul-shrinking thought and
life patters of the traditionalists (see Luke 5:33–39). Not long
ago, I saw how His warning about old wineskins applied to my own
life. a cluster of personal failures brought me face to face with
frightening signs that my once-new wineskins were becoming old and

The first incident occurred when I was
ridiculed along with several charismatic friends in a published work
assailing the most visible leaders in this movement. The broadsides
were volleyed by a man I consider a friend, notwithstanding his
anti-charismatic posture.

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