Author name: Hank Kunneman

Don’t Get Trapped in the Sin of Prayerlessness

One the greatest sins in the church is not necessarily gossip, strife, addictions, adultery, or fornication—even though all these things are sin. What I believe is the greatest sin today, especially in America, is the sin of prayerlessness or leaving God alone. We can easily become caught in the trap where our only consistent time …

Don’t Get Trapped in the Sin of Prayerlessness Read More »


2011 Prophetic Perspectives

hankkunnemanNote from the author: As you read through
these prophetic perspectives, know that they are exactly that—my
perspective. While most of them are based on prophecies I have spoken,
these perspectives in themselves are not prophecies. Again, they are
simply my perspective on prophetic events.

It is not generally my nature to attempt to find prophetic
meanings from every event or to pull meanings from names, numbers or other
symbols. We could probably find a spiritual meaning in anything if we
tried hard enough. My intention is only to point out perspectives from a
few key events of the past year that coincide with things God is already
voicing worldwide.

one simple act

One Simple Act

one simple actBy Debbie Macomber | Howard Books | hardcover | 224 pages | $22.99

In One Simple Act: Discovering the Power of Generosity, popular author Debbie Macomber touches on the story of the boy with the meager lunch of fish and bread that Jesus was able to share with 5,000 people, as a perfect example of what God can do with what one might consider so small.

Take Time to Pray

Don’t leave! Please don’t leave!” were the words that stopped me in my tracks as I reached for the door to leave my prayer and study room. I slowly took my hand off the door handle, surprised by what I heard from the gentle voice inside my heart. “What?” Stunned by His words, I turned around, moving away from the door.

“Did you say something to me, Lord?” My heart started beating faster as I realized I had heard an incredible cry from God’s heart. I said, “Lord, I didn’t know You felt that way.” I was amazed that God was longing for me to stay with Him.

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