Author name: Gary Curtis

What Do You Really Know About God’s Plan for Your Life?

Read Time: 4 Minutes 15 Seconds I’m not a heavy user of digital media. I get friend requests in messages from Facebook, but while I do have a Facebook account and “follow” some friends and relatives, I just don’t have time to be regularly involved with the minutiae of other people’s lives. Consequently, I don’t …

What Do You Really Know About God’s Plan for Your Life? Read More »

Will the New Set of Seven Years on the Jewish Calendar Be Our Last?

Note: This is the second of a two-part series. For part one, click here. Beginning at sunset on Sunday, Sept. 25, our Jewish friends (and increasingly many Christians) will begin a two-day celebration of Rosh Hashanah, their time for new beginnings or a “new year.” This annual “head of the year” event is one of …

Will the New Set of Seven Years on the Jewish Calendar Be Our Last? Read More »

Retired Pentecostal Pastor: The Deceptive ‘Respect for Marriage Act’

I’d like to alert U.S. readers to the radical Left’s deceptively named “Respect for Marriage Act.” This alarming legislation will effectively impose “LGBTQS+ marriage” on all 50 states if just 10 weak-willed Republican Senators cave to its Leftist ideology. The bill (H.R. 8404) passed the U.S. House of Representatives on July 19 of this year. …

Retired Pentecostal Pastor: The Deceptive ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Read More »

Retired Pentecostal Pastor: What Do You Know About This Special End-Times Messenger?

Note: This is the first of a two-part end-times study. In Revelation 14:6-7, the apostle John speaks of a special messenger having an “eternal gospel” to preach to all those remaining alive on earth. “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel to preach to those who dwell …

Retired Pentecostal Pastor: What Do You Know About This Special End-Times Messenger? Read More »

How You Can Be the Answer to Someone Else’s Prayers and Dreams

The short New Testament epistle of James, our Lord’s half-brother, is filled with wisdom and practical insights for Christian living. Please join me in this brief overview that can guide us and equip us for living in these last days. The English name James appears to be a Latin derivative of the Hebrew Jacob, who …

How You Can Be the Answer to Someone Else’s Prayers and Dreams Read More »

Is This a Dress Rehearsal for Ezekiel 38?

In my entire life, I’ve never seen the leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey pictured together in the same place at the same time. But there they were: Russia’s President Putin, Iran’s secular leader President Raisi and Turkey’s President Erdoğan, all at a meeting of menacing allies, earlier this week in Tehran, Iran (formerly the …

Is This a Dress Rehearsal for Ezekiel 38? Read More »

3 Ways to Overcome Satan in the Last Days

The Bible tells us that on the night of our Lord’s betrayal, the apostle Peter publicly denied knowing Him three times. He then “wept bitterly” in repentance. (See Matthew 26:69-75.) But this human failure was not spiritually fatal or final. Peter proved to be an overcomer. History shows that Peter faithfully overcame the spiritual forces …

3 Ways to Overcome Satan in the Last Days Read More »

Retired Pentecostal Pastor: Will Jesus Return in This Decade?

As we approach the end times and the fulfillment of last-days prophecies, we should look past the scoffers (2 Pet. 3:1-9) and instead look through the eyes of biblical prophets and see history in advance. If we study biblical prophecy and the specific teachings of Christ and the apostles Paul, Peter and John, with reputable …

Retired Pentecostal Pastor: Will Jesus Return in This Decade? Read More »

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