Author name: Fuchsia Pickett

The Seven Moods of the Holy Spirit

If we think of the term “mood’ in a common human sense, we may miss something important about the Holy Spirit: He has moods too! We speak of people as having “good” moods and “bad” moods. We characterize some by saying they are “moody”—which usually means they are immature and temperamental. However, the negative connotation …

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The Holy Spirit in You

Have you settled for only a small part of the Holy Spirit? It’s time to acknowledge who He really is and His divine purpose in your life.

Many Christians seem to have the idea that the Holy Spirit is an “it,” a manifestation of the power of God or the gift of tongues. But the Holy Spirit is none of these. He is the third Person of the Godhead, a divine Person with a plan for our lives.

And He doesn’t come to us haphazardly; He is a Person of purpose. God has an eternal plan and purpose for every individual who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit is God bringing that purpose to reality as we learn to yield to His will for our lives.

Behold His Glory!

Early one Sunday morning I found myself pacing back and
forth in front of the altar in my church’s sanctuary, crying out to God. With a
heavy heart I wept, asking God to send His glory to my church. “Please send
Your glory to us,” I pleaded.

That was when the Holy Spirit spoke these words to me,
“Fuchsia, what are you looking for?”

I replied emphatically, “The glory.”

He continued, “When the glory comes, what will it look


The Wonder of Bethlehem

Christmas should be a time of awe and reverence. Our salvation was made possible because God took on human flesh in a manger in Bethlehem.f-Pickett1

T he shepherds saw a babe in a manger. The wise men, arriving later, also saw a young child. But the one who emerged from Mary’s womb that cold winter night in Bethlehem of Judea was much more than what was discernible with human eyes.

He was God. The sacred record is clear: “Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.

“Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.’


The Woman Called to Deliver a Nation

leadersBecause she trusted God fully, Deborah was able to lead Israel to victory.

the church today Christians debate many issues, but perhaps none stir
more controversy than the role of women in leadership. Can women be
leaders? Can they hold positions of authority over men?

I believe the life of Deborah, as recorded in the fourth chapter of the
book of Judges, gives us answers to these questions and many more. In
this fascinating historical account we learn how one woman who obeyed
the Spirit of God not only led a nation but also became a deliverer for
God’s people.

How to Study the Bible

How to Study the Bible

How to Study the BibleA guide for gaining a deeper understanding of God’s Word


The Bible is the most remarkable, most influential volume ever produced in 5,000 years of writing. On this fact people must agree, despite what they may think of the message and authority of the book. Children worldwide sing: “Jesus loves me, this I know—for the Bible tells me so.” Preachers cry out, “The Bible says … .” Why is the Bible so important? Because it has authority. It is the Word of God!

If the Bible is God’s authoritative Word, then it is the expression of God’s will for our lives. And if the Bible is the authoritative expression of God’s will for our lives, it must have priority in our interest and study. When we remain ignorant of what the Bible has to say, then we remain ignorant to God’s will for our lives. Our chief concern must be to understand this book.

The Woman Called to Deliver a Nation

Because she trusted God fully, Deborah was able to lead Israel to victory.

In the church today Christians debate many issues, but perhaps none stir more controversy than the role of women in leadership. Can women be leaders? Can they hold positions of authority over men?

I believe the life of Deborah, as recorded in the fourth chapter of the
book of Judges, gives us answers to these questions and many more. In
this fascinating historical account we learn how one woman who obeyed
the Spirit of God not only led a nation but also became a deliverer for
God’s people.

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