Author name: Eddie L. Hyatt

How to Recognize and Overcome the Spirit of the Antichrist

In II Thessalonians 2:1-4 (NKJV), Paul speaks of an evil, end-time world ruler whom he calls “the man of sin.” This individual whom Paul says “opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God,” is obviously the same person that John refers to as the Beast in Revelation 13 and the Antichrist in I …

How to Recognize and Overcome the Spirit of the Antichrist Read More »

This Founding Father Helped Launch One of America’s Greatest Black Churches

One of America’s Founding Fathers, Dr. Benjamin Rush, helped launch one of the most successful Black denominations in America today. Rush (1745-1813) was a Philadelphia physician, member of the Continental Congress, signer of the Declaration of Independence and served as Surgeon General during the Revolutionary War at George Washington’s request. Rush was a passionate abolitionist …

This Founding Father Helped Launch One of America’s Greatest Black Churches Read More »

Let’s Pray American ‘Christians’ Experience Radical Conversions to Christ

Let’s Pray for Radical Conversion Among American ‘Christians’: I read with interest Dr. Michael Brown’s commentary on Brady “Phanatik” Goodwin’s announcement that he was renouncing his Christian faith. What caught my eye was the impersonal and sterile nature of the faith he was renouncing. In explaining his decision, Goodwin said, “I sent a letter to …

Let’s Pray American ‘Christians’ Experience Radical Conversions to Christ Read More »

Don’t Expect Another Great Awakening in America Until This Happens

There has never been a time when local or regional revivals were not occurring somewhere in America. However, to be designated a “Great Awakening,” a revival should have the following three characteristics: — It is an obvious sovereign work of God in that it has arisen apart from any identifiable human plan, strategy or design. …

Don’t Expect Another Great Awakening in America Until This Happens Read More »

This Founding Father Helped Launch One of America’s Great Black Churches

One of America’s Founding Fathers, Dr. Benjamin Rush, helped launch one of the most successful Black denominations in America today. Rush (1745-1813) was a Philadelphia physician, member of the Continental Congress, signer of the Declaration of Independence and served as surgeon general during the Revolutionary War at George Washington’s request. Rush was a passionate abolitionist …

This Founding Father Helped Launch One of America’s Great Black Churches Read More »

How America’s Founders Turned Against Slavery

America’s founders are under attack. Their monuments are being toppled and their names removed from schools and other public buildings. Children are being taught that George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were evil, rich slaveowners who formed this nation to protect their wealth and maintain the institution of slavery. This twisted history of America is dividing …

How America’s Founders Turned Against Slavery Read More »

When George Whitefield Rejected a Personal Prophecy From John Wesley

A personal prophecy should always confirm what we already know in our hearts. It is dangerous to build one’s life and make important decisions based solely on prophecies. This was dramatically illustrated in the lives of two of the greatest revivalists of all time. Wesley’s Strange Word to Whitefield George Whitefield, at 26 years old, …

When George Whitefield Rejected a Personal Prophecy From John Wesley Read More »

How the Resurrection Changed Everything for Women’s Ministry

During the 40 days between His resurrection and ascension, Jesus appeared to different disciples at various times, and on one occasion appeared to over 500 of His followers at once (see 1 Cor. 15:3-8). The gospel writers, however, are very clear in noting that it was Mary Magdalene to whom He appeared first after His …

How the Resurrection Changed Everything for Women’s Ministry Read More »

Eddie Hyatt: A Post-Resurrection Paradigm of Spiritual Warfare

If the cross of Christ is the ultimate demonstration of God’s love, then the Resurrection of Christ is the ultimate demonstration of His power. The power of Satan, sin and death were all broken when Jesus was raised from the dead. Jesus emerged from the tomb a mighty conqueror and declared, “All authority has been …

Eddie Hyatt: A Post-Resurrection Paradigm of Spiritual Warfare Read More »

The Difference Between a False Prophet and a Mistaken Prophet

A false prophet has no integrity and functions out of self-serving motives, using a supposed prophetic gift for personal gain. A mistaken prophet, on the other hand, has integrity and wants to serve God but mistakes his or her own imaginations and feelings for the Spirit of God. The former needs to be rebuked, while …

The Difference Between a False Prophet and a Mistaken Prophet Read More »

How the Pilgrims Tried Socialism—And It Almost Destroyed Them

Before the Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela, socialism was tried right here on American soil and utterly failed. The Pilgrims, who established the first permanent English settlement in New England in the fall of 1620, at first attempted a socialist style of living. They disbanded it, however, when it became obvious their community could not …

How the Pilgrims Tried Socialism—And It Almost Destroyed Them Read More »

The Democrats’—and Some Christian Leaders’—Irrational Opposition to Donald Trump

Evangelical leaders like John Piper and Beth Moore warned evangelicals about voting for Donald Trump. Should they not, instead, have warned their followers about the Democrat Party’s official rejection of God and America’s founding values? Psalm 33:12a says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” and Psalm 9:17 warns, “The wicked shall be …

The Democrats’—and Some Christian Leaders’—Irrational Opposition to Donald Trump Read More »

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