Author name: Eddie Hyatt

Is the American Experiment in Self-Government Coming to an End?

America’s founding has been called the “great experiment” in human government because it was an experiment in self-government. Authority would reside, not with a monarchy, oligarchy or centralized government, but with the people. According to the founding documents, it was to be a government designed to “serve” the people who have unalienable rights from God …

Is the American Experiment in Self-Government Coming to an End? Read More »

Was Mario Murillo Correct to Rebuke Certain Contemporary ‘Prophets’

Was Mario Murillo right to publicly rebuke certain contemporary “prophets? The answer is clear, not only from Scripture, but also from history. In fact, there is an example from history with amazing parallels to this situation. Peter Cartwright (1785-1872), for example, was a circuit-riding Methodist revivalist who saw great revival and thousands come to Christ …

Was Mario Murillo Correct to Rebuke Certain Contemporary ‘Prophets’ Read More »

The Church’s Role in Preserving Freedom of Speech in America

Read Time: 3 Minutes 17 Seconds The controversy surrounding Kyrie Irving and his post of a tweet that claims the Jews in Israel are not the real Jews—that Black Africans are the real Jews—raises serious questions about free speech in America and has ramifications for every Bible-believing Christian. I am unapologetically pro-Israel. In fact, those …

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What Will It Take for America to Become a Christian Nation Again?

Read Time: 3 Minutes 59 Seconds If America becomes a Christian nation once again, it will come from below—from “we the people.” It will not come from politicians in Washington, D.C. Consider the following facts. America was considered a Christian nation for the first 150 years of her existence, not because of an act of …

What Will It Take for America to Become a Christian Nation Again? Read More »

Jonathan Edwards’ Wife Knew What It Really Takes to Help Spark a Great Awakening

Read Time: 1 Minute 51 Seconds Sarah Pierpont Edwards sat in the Congregational Church in Northampton, Massachusetts, which was pastored by her husband, Jonathan Edwards. Women were supposed to remain silent in the Puritan/Congregational churches, but a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit was occurring (the Great Awakening) and she could hardly contain herself at …

Jonathan Edwards’ Wife Knew What It Really Takes to Help Spark a Great Awakening Read More »

Is the Modern Church Repeating Paul’s Mistake in Athens?

Have you noticed that there is no letter from Paul to the church in Athens? Even though he spent time there and spoke to a gathering of the city’s leading citizens and most prominent philosophers (Acts 17:19), Athens is never mentioned again by Paul or any other New Testament writer. His preaching obviously had very …

Is the Modern Church Repeating Paul’s Mistake in Athens? Read More »

Charles Finney Said These 3 Attitudes Will Destroy Revival in America

According to the Pew Research Center, Christianity in America is declining at an alarming rate. In the 1990s, 86% of Americans identified themselves as Christian. By 2007 that number had dropped to 78.4% and only 7 years later, in 2014, it had dropped another 6% to 70.6%. By 2021 it had dropped another seven percentage …

Charles Finney Said These 3 Attitudes Will Destroy Revival in America Read More »

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