Author name: Dutch Sheets

Charles Finney

The Power of Honor: My Experience at the Grave of Charles Finney

God is big on honoring the memory of the righteous (Prov. 10:7; Mark 14:9; 1 Kings 11:13, 32, 34, 36; Jer. 15:1; Ezek. 14:14, 20). Like many people, I sometimes go to the graves of my parents, grandparents, soldiers, great leaders, etc., to honor their memory and reflect on their lives. I don’t try to …

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Is healing in your hands after all?

Dutch Sheets: Your Healing Is Within Reach

Several years ago, my brother was allowed to witness an open-heart surgery. During the procedure, the patient’s heart had been stopped from beating. When it came time to restart it, despite repeated attempts, the medical staff was unable to cause the heart to beat again. Finally, although the patient was obviously unconscious, the surgeon leaned …

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Do you neeed an anchor for your soul?

Dutch Sheets: Do You Need an Infusion of Hope?

Life can be difficult—at times brutal. The struggling economy is stealing jobs and destroying the dreams of many. Diseases seem to have multiplied, ravaging the health of some and taking the lives of others. Our kids cut themselves and shoot their classmates. Our government is broken and refuses to reform. And the entire world, it …

Dutch Sheets: Do You Need an Infusion of Hope? Read More »

Sad woman

Dutch Sheets: ‘You Can Die From Sorrow!’

In a study reported in the May 2010 issue of Atherosclerosis, participants who were persistently depressed had a twofold increased risk of coronary atherosclerosis. This is the same magnitude of increased risk that one sees in comparing a pack-a-day smoker to a nonsmoker. Incredible. Hopelessness, if not checked, is a death sentence. A recent study …

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Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets: We Must Go to a New Level of Listening, Discerning and Seeing

Properly responding to life’s seasons of transition yields beautiful harvests in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Persevering through long stretches of waiting and enduring through the sometimes heart-wrenching challenges that come with change are not easy feats. Nonetheless, if we position our hearts rightly, we will arrive at the horizon of …

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Dutch Sheets Urges Prophetic Generation to Arise With Governmental Intercession

The question of who’s in control is a governmental issue. We often think of government only in its civil sense, but Webster’s defines govern as “to direct and control; to regulate by authority; to influence; to direct; to restrain; to steer or to regulate the course of; to exercise authority to maintain the superiority.” To …

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America Needs Our Prayers

dutchsheets_webI’ve received several warnings recently
concerning terrorist attacks against America, and I want to ask you
to join me in praying for protection from these attacks. Within the
last few months I have had several credible dreams presented to me
about this, five of them within the last week.

While warnings such as
these are subjective in nature, and dreams always need careful
discernment and interpretation, I feel that the dramatic and sudden
increase of these warnings merits this call to prayer.

When Those Close to You Are Far From God

I have found that where faith for the salvation of the lost is concerned, unbelief controls much of the church. Perhaps it’s because we’ve prayed and waited so long that we are no longer convinced God really will do it.

But if we don’t believe God will answer our prayers, we will not pray with consistency and diligence. We may sporadically ask Him, but we certainly will not persevere.

Acts 13:36 says that King David “served the purpose of God in his own generation” (NASB). Our purpose as a generation is to bring in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen.

Let’s Win the Culture War

Editor’s Note: Today’s Prophetic Insight is the text from a video blog recently posted on Apostle Dutch Sheets’ Web site (, with minor modifications. It is a serious call to prayer regarding the culture war in America that we believe every Christian needs to read and respond to.

President Obama has said twice now—in his inaugural address and on a recent trip to Europethat America is no longer a Christian nation. In fact, he implied in his inaugural address that we never have been a Christian nation, that it was many faiths that shaped and defined who we are as America.

woman praying

How to Strategically Pray for Salvation for Your Friends and Family

I have found that where faith for the salvation of the lost is concerned, unbelief controls much of the church. Perhaps it’s because we’ve prayed and waited so long that we are no longer convinced God really will do it. But if we don’t believe God will answer our prayers, we will not pray with …

How to Strategically Pray for Salvation for Your Friends and Family Read More »

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