Author name: Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson: Why Marriage and Family Matter Now More Than Ever

We live during an age in which the institution of marriage is under constant attack by forces that want to destroy it. As a result, this timeless relationship is increasingly viewed by many as an unnecessary hindrance to our self-absorbed lives. Temporal “partnerships” are dissolved through “conscious uncoupling,” and children are little more than assets …

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Dr. James Dobson: ‘The Wrong Decision in This Election Could Be Catastrophic’

Voters across this nation are only a few short months away from the next general election. What an ominous time this is for our 244-year-old republic. Its future hangs in the balance. The choices we make on Nov. 3 will send this nation down one of two dramatically different paths. The wrong decision will be …

Dr. James Dobson: ‘The Wrong Decision in This Election Could Be Catastrophic’ Read More »

Dr. James Dobson: The Sobering Scenario for America if This Election Goes Awry

By Dr. James Dobson Voters across this nation are only a few short months away from the next general election. What an ominous time this is for our 244-year-old republic. Its future hangs in the balance. The choices we make on Nov. 3 will send this nation down one of two dramatically different paths. The …

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Dr. James Dobson Urges Parents to Stand Against ‘Outrageous’ Sex-Ed Curriculum

Dr. James Dobson, president and founder of the James Dobson Family Institute, issues the following statement in response to the sex-ed curriculum adopted by the Austin Independent School District: This week’s news from Austin, Texas, greatly angers me. The sex-ed curriculum adopted by the Austin Independent School District is not education; it is indoctrination of …

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Praying for Wayward Children

James Dobson gives advice on what to do when your child has turned away from the Lord.

Question: Our three children were prayed for before they were conceived, and we have held their names before the Lord almost every day of their lives.

Yet our middle daughter has chosen to reject our faith and do things she knows are wrong. She’s living with a twice-divorced man and apparently has no intention of marrying him. She has had at least two abortions that we know about, and her language is disgraceful.

Dealing With a Defiant Child

It’s a wonderful fact that children will occasionally disobey their parents for the express purpose of testing just how much they can get away with. This is a game I call “Challenge the Chief,” and it can be played with surprising skill—even by very young kids.

If you have children at home, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. You have clearly and emphatically told your little girl, “Don’t touch the lamp,” only to turn around a moment later to see her flashing you an impish grin as her hand grasps the forbidden object. Or perhaps you’ve instructed your son to clean up his messy room or eat his vegetables, and he responds by setting his jaw, folding his arms and essentially saying, “Make me!”

Virtually every parent, the world over, has been issued an ultimatum of this nature at one time or another! But when moms and dads ignore this kind of challenge, something changes in the parent-child relationship. For a particularly strong-willed boy or girl, that early test of parental leadership can grow into a full-blown case of rebellion during the tumultuous days of adolescence.

father and son

Boys Need Fathers

Boys are in trouble today primarily because their dads are emotionally or physically absent. Though children of all ages, both male and female, have an innate need for contact with their fathers, boys suffer most from the absence or noninvolvement of fathers. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, boys without fathers are …

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Relate to Your Kids

parentingcry1Today’s parents must work harder than ever at building satisfying and affirming relationships with their kids. When I was younger, parents didn’t have to depend as much on communication and closeness to keep their children in line. They could control and protect them, more or less, by the imposition of rules and the isolation of their circumstances.

My folks understood that system. They had a million rules. There were regulations and prohibitions for almost every imaginable situation. Coming from a minister’s home in a very conservative church, I was not allowed to go to the movies (which were remarkably tame), or to dances, or even to use mild slang.

I remember being reprimanded once for saying, “Hot dog!” when I got excited about something. I’m still not sure what danger those words conveyed to my dad, but he warned me not to say them again.

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