Author name: Doug Stringer

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How Has America Changed Since 9/11?

doug stringer_crop 2Sept. 11, 2001, was a day that changed America forever. Who among us will ever forget the image of those blazing,
crumbling towers? Who could forget the gruesome sight of those who jumped to
their deaths from the 110-story towers or the images of ash-covered New Yorkers
in the streets? Or the days and weeks of sorrow that followed as the death toll
climbed during search-and-rescue efforts?

But has America really changed since that day? Or have we too quickly forgetten
and gone back to business as usual?


Did America Really Change After 9/11?

911_americanflag_groundzeroSept. 11, 2001—the day that changed the face of America forever.

Who among us will ever forget the image of those blazing, then
crumbling towers? Who could forget the gruesome sight of those who
jumped to their deaths from the 110-story towers or the images of
ash-covered New Yorkers in the streets? Or the days and weeks of sorrow
that followed as the death toll climbed during search and rescue

But did America really change? Or did we too quickly forget and go back to business as usual?

Strength To Deliver

Spiritually, the women of the world are in travail for the revival the church so desperately needs. But they can’t give birth to it alone.

Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Americans have become keenly aware of the uncertainty of our nation’s future. We have faced the shocking reality that neither our commerce nor our strong military can ensure our security. And we have been awakened to the vast extent of turmoil beyond our shores.

The question is: What do we as Christians do in these troubled times?

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