Author name: Dawn Scott Jones

When you build emotional walls around you, other problems can crop up.

What Letting Your Guard Down Can Do for Emotional Healing

I loved O’Reilly, my Jack Russell Terror—I mean Terrier. Her boundless energy and spunk kept me on my toes, and her mischievous antics made me laugh—even when I was trying to discipline her. She was full of personality, possessing the spirit of a preschool toddler. I loved that about her. That is until something happened …

What Letting Your Guard Down Can Do for Emotional Healing Read More »

Interruptions can be annoying, but not if the right motive is present.

When Distractions Turn Into Divine Appointments

She interrupted everything. Slowly but deliberately, she approached the platform as we all stared in wonder. Apparently she had no idea she was disrupting a very prestigious gathering of clergy. There must have been 500 of us, all ministers, sitting silently in our lovely clothes at the posh Grand Hotel, enjoying a conference on how …

When Distractions Turn Into Divine Appointments Read More »

God's love is unconditional. Will you accept it?

Accept It: God’s Love is Unconditional

Of all the eternal truths declared in God’s Word, one prominent reality is essential to grasp: God made us in His image. We have been exquisitely designed by Him to reflect His image and reveal His likeness. As the “grand finale” of all God’s unique creation, mankind stands unequaled, elevated as the Creator’s crowning achievement, …

Accept It: God’s Love is Unconditional Read More »

Couples argument

How to Avoid the Devastation ‘Tongue Twisters’ Can Bring

The Bible tells us “when words are many, sin is not absent” (Prov. 10:19, NIV). That’s because the tongue can cause quite a storm. Though only a small member of our bodies, it is very unruly and can create havoc in just moments. Like a swirling tornado of ruinous words, a tongue twister can wipe …

How to Avoid the Devastation ‘Tongue Twisters’ Can Bring Read More »

Why the Cross Is the Perfect Christmas Tree

The perfect tree: Every Christmas season begins with a search for it. Why? Because a fragrant tree trimmed with lights, ornaments and shiny garlands is the focal point of so many holiday celebrations. How often during the years, in countless homes throughout the world, have friends and families come together, gathering in unity around a …

Why the Cross Is the Perfect Christmas Tree Read More »

A Fresh Start

What happens in our hearts and minds as we stand at the
threshold of a new year is amazing. It’s as if we’ve been given a fresh new
canvas on which to paint—a blank page—that provides us with a new, unblemished
beginning in life. Suddenly we are inspired; our priorities and values become
crystal clear.


Blind Spots

I was recently
scared—really, really scared. I saw something that so frightened me it threw me
back and stopped me cold in my tracks. What I saw was ugly, threatening and
dangerous. It was large, intimidating and daunting. What was it? Spots! I saw

I have seen spots that freaked me out before—age spots … well just
one, but it was there and its presence was horrifying. I have seen other spots
too: sore spots, weak spots and soft spots. But none of
these shook me like the spots I saw recently: blind spots.

Free Refills

There probably isn’t a mother alive who
doesn’t love McDonald’s. Not for the cuisine, mind you, but for the convenience.
Due to today’s busy lifestyles, many moms frequently take advantage of this
fast-food phenomenon.

At one time I was among the millions who do, and I
have to admit, my kids loved it, too. It was amazing how my tots could spot
those golden arches from their backseat vantage point! They would squeal with
delight at the prospect of “driving through.”

The real thrill came,
however, when we actually pulled in, parked and went inside.

Empty or Opportunity

Empty is not fun. No one
likes the thought of an empty glass, an empty gas tank and least of all, an
empty bank account. When considered in those terms, empty is just plain
undesirable. But what would happen if we could begin to think of empty as
opportunity? What if, every time we saw barren, we could imagine bounty?

The idea of seeing what could be instead of what is, would not be,
however, an earthly exercise in wishful thinking, merely an act of human
intellect. Instead it would be a spiritual application of a powerful biblical
principle, which simply teaches; “We [the righteous] live by faith, not by
sight” (2 Cor. 5:7, NKJV). In other words, we are to live in expectancy,
standing on what we know and believe to be true and not living in despair,
troubled by what we see with our natural eyes.

Guarding Our Wounds

I love O’Reilly, my Jack Russell Terror—I mean Terrier. Her boundless energy and spunk keep me on my toes, and her mischievous antics make me laugh—even when I’m trying to discipline her. She is full of personality, possessing the spirit of a preschool toddler. I love that about her. That is until recently when something happened to temporarily change my appreciation of her joie de vivre!

I was released from the hospital after undergoing major surgery, and it felt good to be home. I slowly hobbled into the house; every muscle in my body was hurting. I grabbed my down comforter, wrapped it tightly around me like a burrito and began to melt beneath its warmth. Just as I had started to drift off into a nice sleep, I was abruptly awakened. The front door opened and a shot of lightning flashed by me. It was O’Reilly. She soared into the living room where I was nursing my wounds and skyrocketed right for me like a heat-seeking missile.

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