Author name: David Morris

woman wearing mask

Why You Need to Stop the Christian Performance

The alarm rang sharply at 5:30 a.m. Refusing to be summoned so abruptly, I hit the snooze button and rolled over. Nine minutes later, the alarm’s shrill cry was repeated. Again I hit the snooze button. This exhibition of personal discipline, or lack thereof, continued until 6:30 a.m. Now, with hardly enough time for a …

Why You Need to Stop the Christian Performance Read More »

The Priority of Praise

God views praise and worship as high spiritual
priorities. Praise, meaning “value” or “price,” is the proclamation of
God’s importance or worth.

Many of the praise and worship expressions in the
Scriptures were exhibited around David’s tabernacle and are still
culturally functional for today. As defined in Strong’s Exhaustive
Concordance, some of these Hebrew and Greek words are “ingredients” for
the posture of worship and service to God.

In Everything Give Thanks

A grateful heart is one of the characteristics of kingdom living. Unfortunately, giving thanks is one of the greatest deficits in the body of Christ.

In the first chapter of Romans, we find that God judged certain individuals because they did not acknowledge the God of heaven, nor were they grateful (see Rom. 1:21). God was angry with them because they continued to gripe about their surroundings and “lack” while choosing to remain distant from Him.

The Priority of Praise

God views praise and worship as high spiritual priorities. Praise, meaning “value” or “price,” is the proclamation of God’s importance or worth.

Many of the praise and worship expressions in the Scriptures were exhibited around David’s tabernacle and are still culturally functional for today. As defined in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, some of these Hebrew and Greek words are “ingredients” for the posture of worship and service to God.

Towdah is an extension of the hand. It implies a choir of worshipers lifting their hands (see Ps. 100:4).

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