Author name: David C. Friend

How You Can Receive the True Riches of God’s Blessings

Almost everyone at one time or another thinks about being rich. They might define rich as wealth, substance, unlimited income and being able to purchase anything they desire. That definition may be acceptable to the world’s concept of being rich. However, the Bible talks about something greater than worldly wealth. In God’s Word we see …

How You Can Receive the True Riches of God’s Blessings Read More »

The Relationship Between Spiritual and Financial Prosperity

One of the dangers of seeking financial success is to make that our only goal. In the years I worked in banking, I discovered that those who made their No. 1 goal in life to have financial success experienced a plethora of difficulties. Many individuals became alcoholics, were divorced, lost their families and had major …

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Is Borrowing Money a Biblical Principle?

The subject of borrowing money is somewhat controversial in the Christian community. I have heard certain preachers warn us about the evils of borrowing. In addition to that, I’ve spoken to individuals who say they pay cash for everything and would never borrow money. If they don’t have the money to pay cash for it, …

Is Borrowing Money a Biblical Principle? Read More »

Why Pastors May Not Be Financially Prepared to Retire: Part 2

For part one of this article, visit Previously, we discussed some actions every pastor facing retirement must take. As I mentioned in this first article, the responsibility of planning for a pastor’s retirement rests with the church board or elders, congregation and the pastor. The Word of God tells us to care for our …

Why Pastors May Not Be Financially Prepared to Retire: Part 2 Read More »

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