Author name: David Aikman


Reaching Gays for God

gay-couple-menA few years ago a Christian friend of mine, who happens to be an ordained
clergyman, was participating in a pro-life march in New York City.
Several evangelical and Roman Catholic groups were represented, so
there were, predictably, vigorous counter-demonstrations. Many of these
were led by gays.

My friend said that for many long minutes a counter-demonstrator
kept pace with him from a few feet away, screaming hateful obscenities
at him. His tirade slowing down for a few seconds, he shouted this
strange question at my friend: “Why do you people hate us?”

The question seemed quite unrelated to the pro-life issue,
which of course it is. The questioner identified himself as a gay

The Power of One

Individual Christians have played extraordinary roles in the spread of the gospel.

Early in my Christian walk (which began more than three decades ago), I recall hearing the phrase, “One plus God is a majority.” The idea behind this was that Christians should never be discouraged by numerical or other odds ranged against them because, with God, not only are all things possible, but also ordinary worldly reckonings of who will or won’t succeed are often overturned.

Later, as some prominent figures in the charismatic movement began behaving in odd ways, Christian teaching began to focus once more—correctly—on the need for both general laity and leaders to be accountable to oversight through a pastor or some sort of board of elders.

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