Author name: Chuck Pierce

The Lord Says, ‘Don’t Speak Words of Self-Sabotage’

One of the most important things a Christian can learn is that our God is a God who speaks. He wants us to know we can hear His voice. Prophecy is the basis for an on-going relationship with God. It deepens our walk and releases God’s power in the earth. Here is a portion of …

The Lord Says, ‘Don’t Speak Words of Self-Sabotage’ Read More »

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: ‘Open Up Your Mouth and Release the Glory’

A filling! A pouring out! A time to receive the roar of the Lion of Judah! Shevat Firstfruits Celebration was just amazing! In this month to “Let the River Flow,” choose to tell the Lord you are jumping in. The Spirit of God is doing something as we allow His river to fill us. Don’t …

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: ‘Open Up Your Mouth and Release the Glory’ Read More »

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: ‘I Am Going to Turn You Like I Turn a Key!’

Read Time: 4 Minutes 18 Seconds One of the wars in the year ahead is over digging new wells. Therefore, our focus for prophetic empowerment is preparing to dig! In the Word of God, a well can refer to a spring, a fountain (a living fountain fed by a spring) and also a pit or …

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: ‘I Am Going to Turn You Like I Turn a Key!’ Read More »

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: Get Ready, We Are Going to Our Next Level of Anointing

We are heading into a year that is so, so important for us to understand. I remember when we used to only pray. Now we also decree and declare, and when we decree a thing, we see it begin to happen. I believe our authority is increasing. It is a picture of this whole historical era …

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: Get Ready, We Are Going to Our Next Level of Anointing Read More »

Chuck Pierce: The Power You Have Through God’s Anointing to Release His Will

Signet rings are a signature that is secured or approved by a higher authority, usually a king, to accomplish what is needed to fulfill his purpose or desire. The authority depends upon the user’s character. The king gives his signet ring to authorize a person to carry out a noble purpose for his subjects in …

Chuck Pierce: The Power You Have Through God’s Anointing to Release His Will Read More »

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Your Path is Now Changing”

In every new season, we must embrace change. Sometimes, we get in such a rut and routine in where we are going and what we are doing, that we lose the ability to adapt and change in the midst of God’s changing times. When we encounter roadblocks or detours, we don’t always perceive that the Lord …

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Your Path is Now Changing” Read More »

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