Author name: Christians United for Israel

Petitioners Seek to Try Ahmadinejad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week addressed the United Nations General Assembly. This man, who stole his re-election and violently suppresses his political opponents, sought to teach the world about democracy.

Ahmadinejad, who persecutes religious minorities and tortures civic activists, presumed to lecture the world about human rights. He denies the Holocaust and has threatened to wipe Israel off the map, but he dares to accuse Israel of genocide.

Christians to Show Support for Israel at D.C. Summit

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is headed back to the nation’s capital for its fourth annual Washington Summit July 20-22. Some 31 leaders from across the country will address issues critical to the Holy Land and give updates on recent developments in Israel, the Middle East and Washington, D.C. CUFI founder John Hagee and Dennis …

Christians to Show Support for Israel at D.C. Summit Read More »

Making Intercession: CUFI Delivers Prayer Requests to Western Wall

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is providing believers with the opportunity to place their prayers in the Western Wall without leaving home.

Prayers submitted to CUFI web site will be printed out, prayed over at the national office in San Antonio, sent to Jerusalem, and hand-delivered to the Western Wall.

Prayer is an integral part of CUFI, which prays daily for the peace of Jerusalem, the well being of the state of Israel, growth and development of Christians United for Israel and for those in authority, including those in governmental and spiritual positions. Personal prayer requests are also welcome.



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