Author name: Chad Bonham


He has the unenviable task of following in the tracks of a NASCAR legend-chasing records that may never be broken. But make no mistake, Kyle Petty is his own man … fueled by a desire to leave his mark on the racing world and to carry on the work of the son he lost five years ago.

For a moment, the ground is still. The toxic smell of burnt rubber and 110-octane leaded gasoline has yet to be released into the air. On this warm August day in Michigan, 43 drivers climb into race cars riddled with corporate logos, eagerly anticipating the famous call to start their engines.

The skies are clear, so comparing the pre-race atmosphere to the cliché “calm before the storm” doesn’t exactly work out. In fact, once the speedway goes “hot,” it will feel a lot more like an earthquake than any meteorological phenomenon.

As crews make final preparations in pit road and the sold-out crowd of over 137,000 waits in anticipation, Tim Griffin takes a deliberate walk down the starting grid. As one of chaplains for Motor Racing Outreach (MRO), he has the unique privilege of praying with each driver individually.

Baseball’s Last Shot

When baseball was on life support, it took an epic home run race to resurrect the enthusiasm of its fans. With some of the game’s biggest hitters implicated in the continuing steroids saga, how should the league, its players and the rest of us respond?

What would you do? Sure, it’s a rhetorical question, but it still needs to be asked.
What would you do if, say, on your job, you could take a magic pill that gave you an edge over your co-workers? What if you could use a special scalp treatment every morning that seeped into your brain, and increased your intelligence and aptitude? It’s safe to assume that the average working man would quickly head to their neighborhood pharmacy to order a lifetime supply.

But wait a minute … what if it was against the law to use those substances and the penalty included a pocket-emptying fine and potentially the loss of your job? And, what if the substances were linked to serious health risks such as heart and liver damage, high cholesterol, strokes, aggressive behavior and sexual dysfunction? Would you do it then?

“No” would be the immediate and proper response. But what if it meant a pay increase to the tune of thousands per year? Would that make a difference?

Wired to Admire

Hard-wired into man’s genetic code is a strong desire for beauty.
But unrealistic expectations are short-circuiting God’s design.

Let’s face it, there’s just something wired into the male psyche that causes the passionate admiration and pursuit of beauty.

Virtually every man has at least once in his lifetime fantasized about snagging the “perfect woman.” And while any gathering of red-blooded males might stir up a healthy argument over which woman deserves the title, author and Christian “sexpert” Doug Rosenau says that most men have a hard time narrowing it down to one person.

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