Author name: Cathy Lechner


Finding Your Security in God

woman_prayer_comfortI turned the thick envelope
over and over in my hands. Guessing what was inside, I hesitated to open
it and confirm my suspicions.

With heart pounding, I broke
the seal. Underneath it lay an invitation to a wedding—a wedding that
should have been mine. I was being invited to celebrate the marriage of
the man I thought I still loved and the woman who had broken up our
engagement. Surely they didn’t think I would attend!

As horrible as this
experience was, it was not unique to me. Every woman knows someone she
thought would love her forever who later said, “I don’t want you
anymore. I don’t love you or need you. I want out of this friendship,
this marriage, this church, this job, this business.” We have all been
victims of rejection.

Why Can’t I Say “NO”!

Everywhere I travel I meet them–little helpers, eager to “Bless the Minister”. They mean well, but sometimes what they are offering to do is better left undone.

You ought to let me cut and highlight your hair.” I heard the voice over my shoulder. When I turned around, my eyes had to look down about two feet to find the source of the offer, one that came with a long, Southern drawl.

“Hi, my name is Hepsiba. (That’s in the Bible.) I do hair. I do pastor’s hair, associate minister Calvin’s hair and administrator-apostle Johnson’s hair. Now he’s actually bald, but I put a thick, all-natural beeswax with Retin-A™ on his hair, and then I pull it through a rice paper sorta hat.

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