Author name: Breaking Israel News

Will Today’s Sanhedrin Usher in the Antichrist?

An interview with the spokesman for the Sanhedrin was twisted into an evil conspiracy theory claiming that the Jewish elders are working to bring the Antichrist. A Christian Temple Mount advocate laments the negative message of the video, pointing out that it entirely misses the message that is enormously important to Jews and Christians alike. …

Will Today’s Sanhedrin Usher in the Antichrist? Read More »

Sign Third Temple Will Be Built Soon? Unique Precious Stones Found in Carmel

A company founded on the prophetic advice of the Chabad Rabbi has found a type of gemstone unique to Israel … and outer space. Last week, the International Mineralogical Association recognized a new, distinct mineral discovered by Shefa Yamim, the only mining company searching for precious gems in Israel. The mineral is embedded in sapphire …

Sign Third Temple Will Be Built Soon? Unique Precious Stones Found in Carmel Read More »

Mystic Rabbi: Blood Moon Over DC Is Prophetic Message to America

On the night of Jan. 20, a super blood moon will pass over Washington, D.C. Sunset that evening will also mark the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, also known as the new year of the tree. Significantly, the day will also mark the …

Mystic Rabbi: Blood Moon Over DC Is Prophetic Message to America Read More »

Do These 5 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled in 2018 Mean Jesus Is Coming Soon?

The signs clearly say, as so many rabbis and experts have confirmed, that we are living in prophetic times preceding the Messiah. 2018 saw a host of “End of Days” events and predictions actualized. In January, snow fell on the Sahara—the world’s hottest desert—paralleling prophecies of Isaiah. In May, President Trump moved the U.S. Embassy …

Do These 5 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled in 2018 Mean Jesus Is Coming Soon? Read More »

Are We in End Times? Orthodox Children Prophesy Great Worldwide Turmoil

For many years, a small group of autistic children has been consulted by rabbis who believe that the gift of prophecy rests within them. But as the gift becomes rarer, the message becomes clearer: The Messiah is already here and the final, painful stages are about to commence. Rabbi Eldad Shmuel, one of the rabbis …

Are We in End Times? Orthodox Children Prophesy Great Worldwide Turmoil Read More »

Did Archaeologists Find One of the Earliest Depictions of Jesus?

An early depiction of what is thought an image of a young Jesus has been found on the wall of an approximately sixth century A.D. Byzantine era church in Israel’s Negev Desert. It was discovered in Shivta, approximately 25 miles southwest of Beersheba, by a team of Haifa University researchers. Art historian Dr Emma Maayan-Fanar, …

Did Archaeologists Find One of the Earliest Depictions of Jesus? Read More »

Could This Interstellar Object Be a Sign of Impending Apocalypse?

A pair of Harvard scientists has come up with an astounding explanation for the strange behavior of the first interstellar object to pass through our solar system, suggesting it was a probe sent by an alien civilization to check us out. An Israeli Nibiru expert suggests a different cause, while giving an astounding explanation that …

Could This Interstellar Object Be a Sign of Impending Apocalypse? Read More »

Snake Appears on Temple Mount: Sign of Coming Third Temple?

A snake wriggling out from between the stones of the Western Wall in search of a meal brought with it a message straight from Jewish mystical teachings, connecting the archetypal enemy of man with the high priest in the temple, and also, perhaps, serving as a harbinger of the Messiah. Women who went to the …

Snake Appears on Temple Mount: Sign of Coming Third Temple? Read More »

Golden Vessel Used in Jewish Ceremony for First Time Since Second Temple

On Thursday, a bit of the former glory of the temple was witnessed by 300 people who took part in the full-dress reenactment of the Sukkot water-libation ceremony. The group set out from the Dung Gate in the old city of Jerusalem in the early evening, making its way down the steep steps leading to …

Golden Vessel Used in Jewish Ceremony for First Time Since Second Temple Read More »

Divine Signs of the Times? A Week of Earthquakes, Blood Moons and Wars

Several rabbis are pointing to last week’s rare lunar eclipse and continued earthquakes as a divine pre-Messianic wake-up call. In fact, it isn’t only the rabbis. Even Arab sources are labeling the recent earthquakes as part of the end-of-days conflict centered around Jerusalem. On Friday, Israel witnessed two natural phenomena: a 4.2 magnitude earthquake struck …

Divine Signs of the Times? A Week of Earthquakes, Blood Moons and Wars Read More »

Sign of the End Times? Ancient Witchcraft Trend Growing Sharply in Popularity

Sales of tarot cards have risen sharply in the last year as self-proclaimed witches claim that divination and dark magic are effective in opposing President Trump. One end-of-days expert cites this as an illogical yet divinely guided step in setting the stage for the Messianic showdown in which the two sides, good and evil, are …

Sign of the End Times? Ancient Witchcraft Trend Growing Sharply in Popularity Read More »

Did This Israeli Scientist Just Discover a Math Formula That Predicts Prophecy?

Saul Kullok, a scientist with many patents to his name, has developed a formula correlating the axis of the earth and the latitudes of Israel’s biblical borders to prophecy. The proofs are convincing, but what he said about next year will shock you. Kullok was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and immigrated to Israel in …

Did This Israeli Scientist Just Discover a Math Formula That Predicts Prophecy? Read More »

Is Trump’s Withdrawal From Iran Deal Fulfilling Prophecy?

Prophecy and politics are quickly converging as U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday withdrew U.S. involvement in the nuclear deal with Iran, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), while a conflict between Israel and Iran looms imminent in Syria. As pundits scratch their heads over this political Gordian knot, Rabbi Pinchas Winston, …

Is Trump’s Withdrawal From Iran Deal Fulfilling Prophecy? Read More »

Prophetic Signals? Billy Graham, the Third Temple and Purim

Strangely and unexpectedly, Rev. Billy Graham will be buried on the upcoming Purim festival, a Jewish holiday that signaled the hidden beginnings of a redemption process that culminated in the building of the Second Hebrew Temple. Reverend Graham’s pioneering of a new framework for Jewish-Christian relations based on not proselytizing to Jews was revolutionary, changing a …

Prophetic Signals? Billy Graham, the Third Temple and Purim Read More »

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