Author name: Blair Parke

Current COVID “Vaccines” Only Slightly Reduce Transmissions?

COVID-19 vaccine proponent Bill Gates now admits that the novel mRNA-derived formulas “… only slightly reduce the transmissions.” These experimental drugs all seem to lose effectiveness within six months and are expected to require endless booster shots, similar to the annual flu shots. Gates said, “We need a new way of doing the vaccines.” Others …

Current COVID “Vaccines” Only Slightly Reduce Transmissions? Read More »

Why the Standard American Diet Has Failed You and How to Overcome Weight Loss Stalls

From chapter 7 (“How You Lose Weight on a Keto Diet”) of Dr. Don Colbert’s book, Beyond Keto. When averaged out, the typical American diet is 50 percent carbs, 34 percent fats, and 16 percent proteins. With this as the foundation, the results are going to continue to be the same: fat gaining and rarely …

Why the Standard American Diet Has Failed You and How to Overcome Weight Loss Stalls Read More »

Be Thankful for What You Have, Not Grumbling on What You Don’t

During this month, it is a good time to remind ourselves of the blessings we do have instead of what we lack. Things To Be Thankful For: – Got drinkable water? Around 1.1 billion people in the world don’t have access to clean drinking water. – Have electricity? About 1.5 billion people in this world …

Be Thankful for What You Have, Not Grumbling on What You Don’t Read More »

Don’t Measure Your Righteousness by Your Blessings

I love the writings of the psalmist David because he asked some of the same questions that you and I may ask. For instance, like David, I have asked G-D about the apparent disparity between the unrighteous seemingly being blessed and the righteous (like himself) struggling with shortfalls and difficulties. We read in Psalm 73:1-5 …

Don’t Measure Your Righteousness by Your Blessings Read More »

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