Author name: Bill Wiese

Which Hell Is Everlasting?

Have you noticed that when the Bible mentions the current hell (aka Hades), it never includes the words “eternal” or “everlasting” or the phrases “unquenchable fire” or “forever and ever” to describe it? In other words, “forever” is only associated with the future hell, also known as the lake of fire. Jesus used the word …

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Understand This Sober Fact to Become a More Effective Soul Winner

If you understand the severity of hell, you will be a more effective soul winner. You will be much more appreciative of your own salvation. You’ll walk more in the fear of the Lord. You’ll have more of a passion for the lost. You will realize that souls must be saved. Bill Wiese is the author …

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The Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: The People I Saw in Hell

In 1998, God gave me a life-changing vision of hell. I receive many questions about my experience from people all over the world, but one question I’m often asked is, “Who did you see in hell?” There are others who say they’ve had an experience like mine, and they mention specific people they saw in …

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Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: Are You Ready To Meet Jesus?

The last words Jesus spoke to me in my 23 Minutes In Hell vision were, “Tell them I am coming very, very soon.” Then He repeated Himself and said again, “Tell them I am coming very, very soon.” The Bible is clear that Jesus is coming back to rapture His believers, bring judgment upon the …

Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: Are You Ready To Meet Jesus? Read More »

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