Author name: Barbara Wentroble

The Spirit has Anointed You

God never intended for us to minister in our own strength. We must allow the Holy Spirit to empower us so we can walk in a supernatural dimension.


Church life was boring when I was growing up. We sang the first, second and fourth verses of the songs from the hymnal. The pastor preached a three-point sermon and dismissed us by noon sharp. Although there were people who responded to altar calls and received Jesus as Savior, nothing else exciting seemed to happen.


When I was 30, our youngest son, Mark, was miraculously healed of a condition that the doctors said would become cancerous by the time he reached adulthood. For the first time in my life I realized that the Lord still heals.

Developing Your Corporate Culture

by Barbara Wentroble   Identifying your core values gives others the opportunity to recognize that they may have similar distinctive. This allows them to understand the corporate culture of your organization. Someone recently shared with me about her experience while viewing our website. During her hospitalization, she read the core values we listed and realized …

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Become a Reformer

Editor’s Note: As the new year approaches, numerous ministry leaders are seeking God to hear what He is saying to His people. This week and through the month of January we will bring you some of the words they are receiving. Today’s Prophetic Insight is from Barbara Wentroble, founder of International Breakthrough Ministries and Breakthrough Business Network (, who is a gifted apostolic and prophetic minister. She believes God is calling us to take on the anointing of a reformer for 2009.

Man Sits Alone

8 Keys for Holding Onto Your Prophetic Word During Times of Adversity

You must press through difficult places to reach your destiny. During this season, many of God’s people are standing in a place of great adversity. But the Lord says that you should not fear or run from it. Rather, you should run into the adversity. If you run into it, you will see a greater …

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woman in meeting

Answer God’s Calling at Your Workplace

Christ is marshaling an army of professional women to advance His kingdom in the corporate world. Someone once said, “People of vision see the invisible, hear the inaudible, think the unthinkable, believe the incredible and do the impossible.” No one better exemplifies this adage than Christian women in the marketplace. These visionary women are discovering …

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