Author name: Barbara Wentroble

Barbara Wentroble

From Obstacles to Opportunities

Barbara WentrobleObstacles and difficulties in life can be challenging! B.C. Forbes was a Scottish financial journalist and author. He once said: “History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They finally won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats. Disappointments acted as a challenge. Don’t let difficulties discourage you.”

Often our obstacles can be used to activate dormant giftings within us that we have failed to realize. These difficulties can also bring new strength to our lives. Don’t you love the way the very situations we hate and avoid at all costs can be used to propel us into something wonderful?

Barbara Wentroble

Transition Into Your Destiny

Barbara WentrobleYou and I are at the halfway point in a three-year time of transition. A prophetic word has come forth that the years 2008 through 2011 are a season of transition. In God’s timing, the halfway point can be the most dangerous time during transition. It is a time when some people decide the journey is too difficult. They can’t seem to catch the vision for the new place, so they decide to go back to an old place. Others make wrong turns that cause them to take a detour from their destinations.


The Will to Win the War

Determine to win the war you are in. You may be in a financial war. You
may be in a health war. You may be in a war to secure a relationship. Whatever
war you find yourself in, be sure you have the will to win that war. Without
firm determination not to lose, the war may be lost.

Never Quit!

The only way to lose is to quit. The temptation to quit, to turn in a different direction or to give up is always present. Learning how to resist that temptation is a major factor in winning.

Legendary Alabama football coach Bear Bryant identified players who were winners in his sport. Coach Bryant was a strict disciplinarian and the model for integrity and fairness. He once described the three types of individuals who play the game:

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