Author name: Barbara Wentroble


Praying With Prophetic Power

How can a declaration of the will of God for a specific situation command a spiritual breakthrough?  Anyone given to the ministry of intercession knows there are special moments in prayer that are met with a certainty of God’s immediate intervention. These are breakthrough prayers—dynamic, forceful and perfectly in sync with the purposes of God. …

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How You Can Pray With Prophetic Power

Anyone given to the ministry of intercession knows that there are special moments in prayer that are met with a certainty of God’s immediate intervention. These are breakthrough prayers—dynamic, forceful and perfectly in sync with the purposes of God. Knowing how and when to apply a specific prayer strategy can make a difference in a …

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I’ve Resigned From Resigning

woman_feet_walking_awayI had a million good reasons for wanting to leave the work of the Lord. But there is nowhere you can go to escape your calling.

Why am I doing this to myself?” I asked. Excuses to resign from the call of God flooded my mind.
I can be normal like other women and stay home.
• I am sacrificing my time, energy and finances to help people who do not appreciate what I am doing.
• My husband and children do not treat me the way some of these people treat me.
• My family will appreciate my spending more time with them.
• I really need to have more quality time with the Lord. I can do that if I stop what I am doing.
• Since I am experiencing difficulties, maybe I am out of the will of God.


Attitude Adjustment

Attitudes affect our quality of
life! A positive attitude will help us
see circumstances of life from a different perspective. A positive attitude will
keep failure and success in perspective.

Positive people refuse to use the words
failure, defeated or hopeless in their vocabulary. Instead,
they use the words temporary setback,
obstacles or challenges when describing their
negative situations.

Scottish minister Alexander Whyte
was known for his positive prayers and sermons. His appearance in the pulpit was
as impressive as his preaching! He is often remembered by his attitude on a
gloomy Sunday morning. One of his congregants thought there was nothing positive
he could say about that damp and gloomy day. Yet, he began the service by
praying, “Thank you, God, for a brand new day – and that it is not always like

Working Woman

God at the Office

Working Woman

Christ is marshaling an army of professional women to advance His kingdom in the corporate world.

once said, “People of vision see the invisible, hear the inaudible,
think the unthinkable, believe the incredible and do the impossible.” No
one better exemplifies this adage than Christian women in the

These visionary
women are discovering their call from God to affect every arena of
life. They are setting high standards of integrity and morality in their
places of work. They are using their spiritual gifts and anointing,
which have traditionally found expression only within the walls of a
church, to bring success and favor in the secular world.

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