Author name: Andrew Towe

Prophecy: Moving Into a Season of New Beginnings and Limitless Miracles

I heard the Lord say, “This is a season of new beginnings and limitless miracles. I am doing a new thing. You will exit the prison of heaviness, and the chains of despair will be broken. Every snare of the enemy will be shattered. The discouragement and overwhelming hopelessness that have consumed you will crumble …

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Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Get Ready for an Explosion of the Miraculous’

Read Time: 3 Minutes, 48 Seconds I heard the Lord say, “Get ready for long-forgotten prayers to be answered suddenly. I have not forgotten the desires of your heart. Although it looks impossible, I am the God of the impossible. There is nothing too hard for Me. Get ready to experience an explosion of the …

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Get Ready for an Explosion of the Miraculous’ Read More »

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘My People Must Discern Their New Opportunities’

Read Time: 4 Minutes 42 Seconds I heard the Lord say, “In the midst of chaos, global downturn and even famine, My people will have economic expansion. I am giving heavenly downloads and strategic ideas to prosper My people. They must discern the opportunities that I am presenting to them. Don’t miss this moment. Innovation …

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Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘The Camels are Here’

Read Time: 4 Minutes 41 Seconds I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “The camels, forming caravans loaded with blessing and provision, have been dispatched. Look for them with great expectation, for they carry the key to your next season. I have seen how My children have endured seasons of great loss, disappointment, and …

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘The Camels are Here’ Read More »

Prophetic Word: ‘You Will Taste the Rain of Heaven’

Get ready for a supernatural strength to take over the land. It is time for worldwide revival and for you to reclaim what God has promised. Don’t back down and give in to despair. God’s plan is in motion. I heard the Lord say, “The enemy has brought discouragement and weariness upon many of My …

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