Author name: Amy Sutherland

Word of Encouragement Before Pentecost: How a Burning Heart Sets the World on Fire

Clear vision and knowing your assignment make all the difference when given a weighty commission. Yet what is essential for completion, especially for longer-term and far-reaching assignments, is a passionate heart. It is the fire surrounded by purpose that causes one to blaze ahead to the finish line. In the life of every believer is …

Word of Encouragement Before Pentecost: How a Burning Heart Sets the World on Fire Read More »

Prophetic Word: A New Decree: Arise, Shine and Take Your Seat

Arise and take your seat sons and daughters, the King of kings has positioned you for such a time as this! Purim, the Jewish holiday celebrating the new decree written of in the book of Esther, an edict allowing the freedom to defend oneself and take the plunder of enemies, has just passed. Purim in …

Prophetic Word: A New Decree: Arise, Shine and Take Your Seat Read More »

The Hour of Mysteries Revealed: A Call Back to Sanctification

Over the last few weeks, the Lord has been reminding me of a prophetic word I released in March 2020 titled, “The Hour Of Mysteries Revealed.” This prophetic word was based on a vision revealing the exposure of global leadership and the removing and appointing of kings through the book of Daniel. When I asked …

The Hour of Mysteries Revealed: A Call Back to Sanctification Read More »

Prophetic Dream: God Is Getting Ready to Display Family Unity as He First Intended

Note: This is a prophetic word I released 2/29/20, and as we are approaching Father’s Day, I wanted to share this word for such a time. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev. 2:29). Early this morning on this leap day, I had a prophetic dream …

Prophetic Dream: God Is Getting Ready to Display Family Unity as He First Intended Read More »

Prophetic Word: The Beginning of the Restoration of Bridal Love

This morning while in the middle of an encounter with the Lord, I heard very clearly “I am redeeming every part of your being” and “no longer will you remember the shame of your youth.” I physically felt the Lord’s passionate fire manifesting on my body, with waves of laugher following, and throughout the encounter …

Prophetic Word: The Beginning of the Restoration of Bridal Love Read More »

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