Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Praise & Remembrance for Pastor Jack Hayford

Charisma House Archives

Leaders across many fields have shared their remarks and remembrances of Pastor Hayford upon his passing,  Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023.

Jonathan Cahn: “Soon after writing The Harbinger, I was invited to speak at Pastor Jack’s Church on the Way. During the worship, an unassuming man came up to me, gave me a big smile and an even bigger hug. It was Jack Hayford. What struck me then was that he had no airs about him. If you didn’t know it was him, you would have barely noticed him. He was completely unpretentious and humble. It is written that Moses was the most humble of men. That’s what I’ve noticed about the truly great people of God. They not only do great things for God but are completely humble. That was Jack Hayford. Like Moses, he was one of the great servants of God, and among the most humble.”

Pat Boone: “For over 50 years I’ve served as Jack Hayford’s elder, as one month older in age and literally an elder at Church on the Way, his home church in Van Nuys, California. Up close and personal, I’ve seen him become a 20th-century apostle Paul, building the local church in America and expanding and strengthening the church of Jesus internationally, in many books reinforcing God’s explicit Word, hosting pastoral conferences at home and abroad, holding a strong line against cultural and social decay in ‘theology’ and doctrinal weakness, and more than any other public speaker promoting the absolute necessity of receiving and living with the indwelling Holy Spirit as our guide, teacher and power source in this fallen and hopeless world. Like his role model Paul, the apostle Jack used every ounce of his natural and supernatural gifts, in close communion with his heavenly Father to expand and strengthen God’s Kingdom on this earth. I’m grateful to be his brother, and to have lived with his close example, and am sure Jesus has welcomed Jack Hayford with an apostolic crown. I’m so glad he and I did a two-man ‘missionary journey’ to Japan some years ago, me doing publicized concerts combining my pop hits with gospel music and a local minister extending an actual invitation for attendees to receive Jesus, and Jack teaching local conferences of Japanese ministers during the days. It was a highly publicized tour, with estimates that over two-thirds of Japanese knew we were there, and why. We felt God had ‘arranged’ it all, Hallelujah!”

Dr. Alveda C. King: “Jack Hayford’s legacy of worship, ministry and leadership will live on in our hearts. He is now living in the presence of God’s ‘Majesty,’ no longer encumbered by the things of this world. He will be missed.”

Joyce Meyer: ““I am grateful for the tremendous contributions that Pastor Jack Hayford made to the body of Christ including his teaching, his leadership and writing beautiful worship music. He was truly wise and gifted. Personally, I will remember his great kindness. He was the kind of person who would make the time to sow into my life and that means a great deal.”

R. T. Kendall: “The first time I heard Jack Hayford speak he mentioned a ‘haze’ in the auditorium of a church of which he was pastor many years ago. It is the first mention of a haze I heard since I myself had been touched profoundly by a haze in a service in Ashland, Kentucky, when I was at the beginning of my ministry. It made me want to meet him. The haze is a visible manifestation of the ‘glory.’ It is very rare. I later met Jack at a Charismatic Leaders Conference in Lake Mary, Florida, organized by Steve Strang. Jack graciously had breakfast with my son, T. R., and me and later agreed to write the foreword to my book Holy Fire, my reply to the cessationists of this world. Jack was fully aware of my reformed theology but still agreed to read the manuscript with a view of endorsing it. Did he ever! He wrote a 13-page foreword to my book, the grandest and longest endorsement of all my 80 books. This demonstrated how a Pentecostal would embrace a Calvinist, setting a beautiful example how Word and Spirit people need to accept each other. I am honored to have known him and thank God for his vast influence.”

Marilyn Hickey: “Pastor Jack was a blessing to the world. I remember many times hearing him speak and hearing his worship and singing. It really encouraged me. We will miss him, but we rejoice greatly over his life and where he is now.”

Bill Johnson: “In my mind, Pastor Jack Hayford’s life, ministry and personal integrity were unparalleled. His impact on me started with his influence on my dad, equipping him to more fully step into all that God had called him to be: a worshipper. Jack’s personal friendship and encouragement is truly one of my greatest treasures in life. I am eternally indebted to this friend of God, Jack Hayford.”

Mike Signorelli: “Jack Hayford operated in a paradigm much needed in this hour—full Spirit and full Word. For years, I gleaned from his ability to function in an unrestrained supernatural demonstration, while communicating a deep mastery of the Scriptures. As a minister, I endeavor to carry this balance into a new generation so that
we ‘lack nothing’.”

Francis Frangipane: “When I consider the life and ministry of Jack Hayford I am reminded of Paul’s words to the Corinthian church, ‘Though you had many teachers, you did not have many fathers.’ Pastor Jack was a father, a teacher and a true worshipper. We thank God for his many radiant contributions to the body of Christ.”

Sam Rodriguez: “A spiritual father and grandfather to generations, Jack Hayford’s brilliance, creativity and authentic leadership elevated the Pentecostal/charismatic movement to the forefront of global evangelicalism. Pastor Jack did away with the notion that the Pentecostal/charismatic movement did not provide room for academia, logic, reason or intellect. He embraced both the prophetic and the practical, he was full of the Holy Spirit and creativity; sustained by that Spirit, he was able to write books, songs and lead like very few others. He inspired me. I was blessed to call him friend. He spoke into my life, always encouraging me to make room for the Holy Spirit. Pastor Jack did change the world. He demonstrated that the Spirit-empowered charismatic movement can be both prophetic and practical, innovative and intelligent, anointed and artistic.”

Dr. Mark Walker, president of Lee University: “My dad and Dr. Hayford were good friends. They had a deep admiration and respect for one another. Dr. Hayford was a one-of-a-kind leader, minister, preacher and person. His kingdom impact is unmeasurable. He is a giant of the Pentecostal faith.”

David Shibley: “Jack Hayford is now home in heaven. Stephen Strang, quoted in Christianity Today magazine, rightly termed him ‘the Pentecostal Gold Standard.’ It was my privilege to serve with him on the board of directors of two ministries and to call him my friend. Pastor Jack combined a towering intellect, fervent devotion to Jesus and total reliance on the Holy Spirit to produce one of the most fruitful, far-reaching ministries of our lifetime. He will certainly be remembered for his anointed preaching and teaching. Also, he composed the great worship song, “Majesty,” which is sung by Christians around the world. At a crucial juncture in my own life and ministry, he gave me wise, compassionate counsel that steadied and greatly helped me. ‘Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on,’ (Rev. 14:13).”

Alex Pagani: “I spent many hours in the early days of ministry, reading resources from Pastor Jack Hayford and learning about the history of Pentecostalism. Truly the body of Christ lost a giant in the faith. He will be missed!”

Peggy Joyce Ruth: “Jack Hayford is that stable Spirit-filled minister who everyone counted on. He left a great legacy. He is now beholding the Majesty.”

Compiled by Charisma staff.

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