How to Win the Real Fight for Your Family

Enforcing the Victory

God has given us many other weapons and tactics in the spiritual battle over our families (see “How to Change the Atmosphere in Your Home”). All of them are powerful and effective tools we can not only possess, but also wield every day in the ongoing war against Satan. In and of themselves, they are not what saves us—only God does that. But by His divine plan, God has appointed us as partners with Him to claim victory over the enemy. First John 5:18 reminds us that, “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.”

We must abide in Christ, walking sinless and wielding the weapon of righteousness through His Blood. As we fight this battle with or on behalf of those in our family, we can claim not only God’s protection, but His victory and abundant blessings.

Perry Stone is the best-selling author of numerous books, including his newest, Scarlet Threads. He directs one of America’s fastest-growing ministries, the Voice of Evangelism, and lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, with his wife, Pam, and their two children.

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