During the stunning and powerful Breakers Conference, Isaiah Saldivar gave a message about how to break the chains of the devil and walk in the freedom that Jesus’ death gave us.
“How long are we going to have to beg the church to stop committing adultery on the Lord?” Saldivar asks the audience. “Stop sleeping around, stop cheating, stop lying, stop doing this and that. The Lord goes, ‘When will My church love Me once again?’ When will My church seek Me once again?'”
Saldivar makes the point that the church has made it acceptable to live in sin and perversion and accept a life that has no traces of faith being lived out.
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To pre-order Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, “How to Cast Out Demons,” visit Amazon.com.
He then boldly tells the crowd how the Lord placed it on his heart to share with them that His people have turned away from Him and have instead chased after idols. In fact, there are many who believe they are saved, but are not for they have not walked with God.
“I am calling this arena, that there is a trumpet sounding, there is an alarm going off that the day of the Lord is approaching,” Saldivar says. “We’re in the last days, beloved, right now. We are in the final moments of human history. We’re living in a moment where there are demonic powers unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.”
In order for us to get back to the heart of God, it is time for us to cast aside all of our wicked actions.
“It is time to shut the door on the demonic realm and say, ‘enough is enough,'” says Saldivar.
One of the ways our culture has been deceived is by politicizing demons, hiding their spiritual reality and pretending the issues we are dealing with are nothing more than cultural phenomenons.
“You know what the devil’s done? He’s told us that the demons are just political, so leave them alone. Don’t worry about abortion, don’t worry about the ancient god named Moloch that is murdering thousands of babies before our eyes. Thousands of babies are slaughtered in gas chambers called abortion clinics. The safest place in the world should be the mother’s womb.”
It is time for God’s people to stand up for light instead of darkness, to be a people after our heavenly Father’s heart, not the devil’s.
“I hear chains breaking. I hear demons screaming out. I hear freedom, in Jesus name,” declares Saldivar.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.